
Illegal migrants refuse to leave Denver camps and make demands of city including ‘fresh, culturally appropriate’ food and free lawyers

A group of illegal immigrants in Denver not only refuse to leave their encampments, but also have the audacity to take no action until the city meets its demands. The migrants were organized enough to publish a document with thirteen specific demands before “agreeing to Denver Human Services’ request to leave the camps and move to more permanent shelters funded by the city,” Fox News reports .

According to the newspaper, the demands were made after the Denver government obtained a petition to have the migrants moved. Denver’s mayor is under pressure from the city’s ongoing migrant crisis. He made headlines earlier this year and drew intense backlash for proposing budget cuts to the city government, including cuts to the city’s police force, to increase funding to deal with migrants in the city. crisis.

The list of demands was sent to Mayor Mike Johnston and included requests for “fresh, culturally appropriate” food, no time limits on showers and free immigration lawyers, the outlet reported. Further details of the demands read: “Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the city instead of ready-made meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc. Access to showers will be available. without time limits and always accessible. Visits from medical professionals will occur regularly and referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as necessary.”

The migrants also insisted that they would be “connected to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify,” as well as “consultations for each individual/family with a free immigration lawyer.” The migrants insisted that if this is not met, they will not leave their tent community.

“Ultimately what we don’t want is families on the streets of Denver,” Jon Ewing, a spokesperson for Denver Human Services, told Fox 31.

The current encampment is “close to train tracks and under a bridge,” Fox 31 noted, adding that it has been there for the past few weeks.

Ewing told Fox 31 that the city just wants to ensure that “families leave the camp and come in,” noting that the offer will give migrants “three meals a day” and the freedom to cook.

He also said the government is willing to work with people to reach compromises and help them figure out what kind of aid they qualify for.

Ultimately, Ewing said, the city wants to work with immigrants to determine, “What could be a viable path to success for you that doesn’t stay on the streets of Denver?”