
Costa Rican scientists create microbiota technology for human well-being ⋆ The Costa Rica News

A group of Costa Ricans developed a gut microbiota test of the highest quality and scientific accuracy, and now makes it available in the country, thanks to more than two years of microbiome research, a $100,000 investment, many hours of work and with the full awareness of the enormous potential of this technology to improve the health of the population.

This is a laboratory test called “MiBiome”, which, through the analysis of human fecal samples, allows us to know the diversity of bacteria living in the intestine and their abundance.

There is a large amount of scientific evidence about the association of bacteria with various pathologies and health problems in humans. The test provides true and reliable results as it is based on the most advanced scientific knowledge along with the use of advanced tools, protocols and resources. Once the stool sample is obtained, the process to obtain the final report takes 3 to 4 weeks.

Tico talent

The “MiBioma” research team is led by Gabriel Vargas, who holds a degree in microbiology and clinical chemistry and a master’s degree in microbiology and clinical chemistry with an emphasis in bacteriology from the University of Costa Rica. He also holds an academic doctorate from the University of Chicago in the field of bacterial genetics and genomics and is a researcher at the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University in Canada.

Vargas is a professor at the School of Agronomy of the University of Costa Rica and an ad honorem researcher at the Research Center in Cellular and Molecular Biology of the University of Costa Rica. He has extensive research experience in microbial ecology using bioinformatics and molecular tools applied to the study of microbiomes to understand the structure and function of various microbial communities, as well as the interactions between microorganisms and their hosts. He is co-founder and scientific director of the company MiBioma SA, which markets the “MiBioma” test in the country.

The competitive advantage

“Our test, which is developed locally, has a more affordable price for people, compared to alternatives available abroad. In addition, because we have a technical team in Costa Rica, we can provide support and assistance to doctors and patients during the analysis. Moreover, “MyBiome” is not only limited to the identification of pathogenic microorganisms; because it in turn provides information about those useful and possible pathobionts. This is crucial to determine if the patient has dysbiosis and to comprehensively address their microbiota. Another important advantage is that “MiBioma” reports are available in Spanish and written in a language that is easy to understand for both people and health professionals,” Vargas explains.

The mission of this test is to expand access to information about the microbiome, allowing a greater number of people to take charge of their well-being. Its aim is to ensure that a broad spectrum of specialist doctors learn about the test, support it and benefit from its scope and benefits in their professional practice.

The future of medicine

“In the future, medicine will benefit enormously from the study of the microbiome. More and more associations of bacteria with various conditions are being discovered. Understanding the mechanisms of action and the microbiome as a whole will make medications and treatments more precise and effective. In the coming years we will see the development of new drugs and treatments that will consider both their effects on the microbiome and the influence of the microbiome on the effectiveness of treatments. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the Costa Rican microbiota, as we are currently not sufficiently represented in microbiome databases worldwide,” says Vargas.

The expert emphasizes that almost all diseases studied to date have shown some relationship with the microbiota. This complex network of microorganisms forms an additional organ in the human body that influences the functioning of several systems, including the digestive system, liver, heart and brain. Together, certain bacteria have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that play a crucial role in the aging process. Understanding these bacteria is essential for making wise lifestyle decisions and promoting healthy aging.

In-depth knowledge of this microbial ecosystem and its impact on the body will allow us to adapt our lifestyle and diet to improve overall well-being. Likewise, it is essential to regularly monitor changes in the microbiota to make the necessary adjustments and age successfully, maintaining mobility and cognitive abilities.

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