
Fourteen Palestinians killed in Israeli military offensive in West Bank refugee camp

War between Israel and Hamas: On Friday, the Israeli military said several Palestinian gunmen were killed and four soldiers wounded during a counter-terrorism attack in the Nur Shams refugee camp in the West Bank.

War between Israel and Hamas: 14 Palestinians killed in Israeli military offensive in West Bank refugee camp
People walk among the rubble after an Israeli raid on the Nur Shams camp, Tulkarm, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, April 20, 2024. (REUTERS)

War between Israel and Hamas: The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have killed at least 14 civilians during a military operation in the country Nur al-Shams refugee camp in the West Bankthe Palestinian Ministry of Health said. According to a CNN report, the ministry said they have recovered a number of bodies and wounded people from the refugee camp, even as the IDF has partially withdrawn from the area.

On Saturday, the IDF claimed to have “killed terrorists and arrested eight wanted suspects” during the operation that began Thursday, CNN reported.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said at least one child and one teenager were among those killed by Israeli forces who also arrested youths en masse and destroyed key infrastructure. The ministry also condemned on Saturday two separate incidents of attacks on emergency medical teams operating in the West Bank.

Palestinian ambulance driver shot dead by Israeli settlers

The ministry, citing the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), said an ambulance driver was killed by Israeli settlers as he tried to carry injured Palestinians to safety, while another ambulance crew was detained and interrogated by the IDF outside a hospital on the West Bank.

It said the driver, Mohammed Awad Allah Mohammed Musa (50), worked for the PRCS and was shot dead by the Israeli settlers who opened fire on his ambulance.

“The Ministry urges international health organizations, human rights institutions and the International Committee of the Red Cross to take urgent action to curb the escalating practices of the occupation and settlers against treatment centers and medical teams and enable them to fulfill their humanitarian duty to fulfill. “, the ministry said in a statement.

‘Sharp violation of humanitarian laws’

The Palestinian Ministry of Health called the targeting of medics, ambulances and medical personnel a “blatant and clear violation of international humanitarian law.”

“Attacking medics, ambulances, treatment centers and medical personnel, impeding their movement and preventing them from reaching the wounded, constitutes a blatant and clear violation of international humanitarian law and international norms and treaties,” the ministry said.

IDF claims “terrorists” killed during operation in West Bank

On Friday, the Israeli military said several Palestinian gunmen were killed and four soldiers wounded during a counter-terrorism attack in the West Bank’s Nur al-Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem, The Times of Israel reported.

The IDF said its troops and border police officers carried out a raid in Nur Shams overnight, detaining several wanted Palestinians, discovering explosives and killing several gunmen in clashes throughout the morning.

Meanwhile, videos taken by residents of the West Bank refugee camp showed a bulldozer destroying a building as IDF vehicles left the camp after a more than 24-hour raid. Other videos show ambulances entering the camp after the IDF withdrew from it.

They said Israeli forces have left the immediate area. However, they remain present in the nearby town of Tulkarm.

(With input from agencies)