
Masque’s new summer menu stands for fresh fruit and Indian heritage

Masque has been one of India’s leading restaurants for years, and with good reason. From innovative reinventions of classic dishes to the creative use of seasonal ingredients: every plate tells a story about sustainability, tradition and culinary innovation. With their new summer menu they have retold age-old dishes in their signature style.

Crispy ponkh with pickled and smoked strawberries

Modern Indian dining offers a sea of ​​potential and when it comes to challenging expectations, Mask has already proven its qualities many times. Named one of the 50 Best Restaurants in Asia, and one of the most reputed modern Indian restaurants in the world, there is no doubting their credentials. Founded in 2016 by Aditi Dugar and currently led by Chef Varun Totlanithe restaurant has pioneered in many ways, including opening up the richness of India’s regional cuisines.

With buzzwords like seasonality and sustainability at the heart of every restaurant in the city, setting a new standard for their summer menu could have been a challenge in itself. But according to Chef Varun’s ethos, seasonality is not a new concept for Indian dining; it is the basis of the way we eat. “If you go to people’s homes anywhere in the country, they eat based on availability,” he says. “Some restaurants pay extra for ingredients that are imported, but in general, following the seasons is already the most efficient way to cook.”

Masque’s summer menu is a translation of that ethos, drawing on Chef Varun’s travels and inspired by the wealth of Indian produce and culinary traditions. He has taken flavors from all over the country and gently remixed them into a light, summery palette. What is striking is how effortlessly flavors from all over the country coexist: from a Bengali posto that shares space with Maharashtrian Amti, Masque’s latest creations bring a refreshing lightness to the table, perfectly suited for the sultry summer days.