
Morality is essential to our society

The unethical mentality of the professionals and the greed for money are ruining people’s lives. Our social structure is going downhill fast.

We don’t feel good about our society. We don’t worry about the next generation. We don’t worry about how they will fare, or what kind of world we will leave them. Every day when we open the pages of newspapers or use social media, the picture of society before us makes us more and more anxious. We don’t know how we’re going to get out of this, if at all.

Those at the policy-making level of society, those who are politically powerful, must work on these issues. However, their role was limited to political and traditional matters. There are new groups; Various social and cultural organizations are born. They seem to say all the nice things and boost our hopes. However, after a few days that hope is dashed. Everything remains as it was.

Now it is becoming clear that our literacy rate is increasing, average income is also increasing, but we are going backwards as a people. A major reason for this is that morality has been lost in society. Ethics is not a tablet or pill that you can stop and swallow. Ethics and morals are ideological and their transmission takes place through religion.

It is important to promote and expand ethics everywhere, especially religious ethics. Morality is a feeling and thinking faculty that evaluates the accuracy of human activities. We need to know whether an action is good or bad. Everyone needs to have a perspective and assess whether their work benefits and does not harm others. We must cherish the realization and ambition that we should not get relief from the misfortunes of others. And that no one should be caught in the eye because of our work.

Here’s something else to remember. It’s not enough to do a good job. Rather, to keep society on the right path, one must refrain from doing bad things and prevent others from doing bad things. Even at the policy level, Islam teaches us to stand up to wrongdoers. This revolutionary view of Islam is an exception. No other philosophy acts in the same way that Islam advocates forbidding and abstaining from evil actions. The Holy Quran exhorts us to conduct ourselves well and protect ourselves from evil for good.

Values ​​are a set of important beliefs and principles. People make different decisions in their lives based on values. Therefore, if one’s values ​​are integrated and positive, one’s life will certainly be positive as well. Moreover, lack of values ​​in a person’s life will have a bad effect on his life. Moreover, one’s manners and habits depend on values. How clear one’s mind is; how polluted, biased and neutral he is depends on his values. There is a need to nurture values ​​in both politics and culture.

Values ​​make a person a unique human resource. A person rich in values ​​is more ethical, hardworking, punctual, reliable, promising and transparent in dealings than a person with no values. For this reason, such people are more important in the family, and the demand and importance of these people in the office court or at the professional level are also relatively high.

The heartbreaking events that have occurred in recent times indicate how much we are losing everything simply due to a lack of ethics. Lives are being lost, buildings are on fire and most importantly, society is rapidly descending into the abyss. Only morality can save us, nothing else.

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