
New Crime and Fire Commissioner elected for Cumbria

Labor leader David Allen won the election by 38,000 votes

Author: May NormanPublished 32 minutes ago

Cumbria now had a new police, fire and crime commissioner.

Labour’s David Allen won the election by 38,000 votes, beating Tory candidate Michael Johnson by around 14,000 votes.

Following the statement, Mr Allen spoke to Greatest Hits Radio Cumbria and South West Scotland reporter Joe Gartly:

“The message here is ‘it’s time for change’. We’ve had a Tory government for 14 years and a Conservative Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for 12 years. “I have 30 years of law enforcement experience and 33 years of senior leadership experience. I can lead, I can deliver and I will.”

The role was previously filled by the Conservative Party’s Peter McCall.

The full results were:

David Allen (Lab and Co-op) 38,708

Mike Johnson, (Conservative), 24,863

Adrian Waite (Lib Dem) 18,100

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