
Service dog asks for his mother’s help during a ‘crisis’ while he is at work

Service dogs are such amazing animals that can help people in a number of ways. Tobias is a Doberman Pinscher who is a medical service dog for his mother. He is with her all the time and helps keep her alive (more on that later). Tobias’ mother shared a video of the two of them at work in mid-April, and in this video, Tobias is the one who needs help!

The video starts with Tobias looking intently at his mother to get her attention. She says, “Show me,” and Tobias leaves, leading her to the problem. He leads her through the rows of a warehouse and finally stops at a warehouse where the problem is located. Watch what happens when mother realizes why Tobias needs help.

Tobias had a crisis of his own and he needed help, STAT! People left funny comments about the service dog needing help from his mother. @mammie_jj received more than 73,000 likes for their response: “The way he stares with tense muscles like EMERGENCY!!!!” @Blank made me laugh and got over 46,000 likes when they said, “You are such a good service-oriented person.” @Sapphire Moon’s mom shared: “The ‘Show me’ command is so useful, I wish they could talk because she’ll take me to the problem and then I just stare at the wall like ‘what the heck ” LOL !” Tobias’ mother agreed: “Same here! Sometimes I can’t figure it out. And Tobias sure talks, but not in a language I understand!”

Related: Service Dog Giving a High-Five at a Hockey Game is the Positivity We Need

The amazing work of service dogs

Tobias’ mother explains that she has a dysfunction of the nervous system that controls non-voluntary body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and several other things. He is trained to smell the chemical changes in her body in relation to her condition. She shared a video in which he warned of an increase in heart rate, followed by a sudden drop in heart rate. This causes a drop in her blood pressure and can lead to fainting. It’s quite amazing to see!

Service dogs are trained to help people with disabilities. These disabilities can include visual impairments, people who use a wheelchair, PTSD survivors, and people with epilepsy or other medical conditions. The dogs learn how to communicate with their owners to let them know when they need to pay attention to something. For example, this little girl’s dog alerted her that her blood sugar was low. They’re actually pretty incredible friends and saviors all in one. My cousin has cerebral palsy and his service dog has given him more independence than ever before!

One way a service dog communicates when something is wrong is through nudges. According to The Service Dogs, there is such a thing as ‘sensory overload’. The bottom line is that there is too much going on and a person is experiencing all five senses at the same time, leaving him or her unable to process it all. This is something that many autistic people experience. In this case, a service dog can give its owner a helping hand so that he or she can focus on one thing instead of trying to process everything.

If a service dog ever nudges you, it’s a sign that the owner needs help. If you encounter a service dog that nudges you or barks and he or she is separated from his owner, follow him or her immediately! You could save someone’s life.

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