
Letter: ‘Fort Liberty’ is now the name of the North Carolina military base – We-Ha welcomes letters to the editor from the public, including letters of support. Letters submitted by political candidates are eligible for publication up to 14 days prior to an election and most will be published within 48 hours of receipt. Letters containing personal attacks or any form of profanity will not be published. Rebuttals to letters must be submitted as a separate document and responses to letters are no longer permitted. At the end of the letter, please include your full name and place of residence, as well as your telephone number. Phone numbers are not published but are required in case verification is needed. Please send letters to (email protected)

To the editor:

I was disappointed to read in the story “West Hartford Police Hold Swearing for New Officer” that Fort Liberty was still called Fort Bragg. Fort Liberty was renamed in June 2023 and the old name Fort Bragg was retired. Even if the officer was there when it was Fort Bragg, it should have been mentioned that it is now Fort Liberty. We must ensure that these Confederate soldier names are no longer used. Thank you.


Marsha Evans
West Hartford

Editor’s note: The article has been updated to reflect that the name of the military base has been changed.

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