
The Council and Chamber commit to a three-year festival partnership

Matt Hewson

The City of Geelong and the Geelong Chamber of Commerce have announced a three-year partnership to host the Geelong Small Business Festival.

Held each August, the festival provides access to training, presentations and networking opportunities for small businesses in the region and will celebrate its 14th year in 2024.

While the Chamber has supported the festival since its inception, the organization stepped up its involvement last year to co-host the event with the City of Greater Geelong in what was hailed as the biggest and best iteration of the festival to date.

Geelong Chamber of Commerce CEO Jeremy Crawford said the partnership meant the Chamber and the city could maximize their resources and expertise to create a “festival that is constantly evolving”.

“All businesses must have access to learning, education and growth opportunities; this festival does just that,” Mr Crawford said.

“Geelong Chamber is committed to investing in initiatives that cultivate a healthier business ecosystem, where businesses thrive and our region benefits, a perfect fit with the festival making a tangible impact every year.

“Extending the partnership for three years gives us the opportunity to invest in the brand value of the festival and some longer-term improvements. This year we are adding physical small business hubs in Geelong, Torquay and on the Bellarine, a major change that will increase the accessibility of the festival.”

Vice Mayor Anthony Aitken, chair of the Strong Local Economy portfolio, said the partnership would support the festival’s continued evolution.

“Small businesses make up approximately 97 per cent of all businesses in Greater Geelong, meaning they are the engine room of our local economy,” Deputy Mayor Aitken said.

“With a focus on championing local businesses and promoting investment opportunities to drive economic growth in our region, we are pleased to be working together again to host the Geelong Small Business Festival.

“As we have so many experienced people in the region, I encourage community members in the business community to express their interest in organizing a session to share their knowledge at this year’s festival.”

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