
Red Sea Global unveils wellness trends at greenloop

Lindsay Madden-Nadeausenior director of wellbeing strategy at Red Sea worldwidehas revealed more about the potential use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the wellbeing sector.

Madden-Nadeau leads the well-being strategy for the Red Sea and Amaala – regenerative tourism destinations that aim to set new standards in sustainable development and put Saudi Arabia on the global tourism map.

At greenloop 2024, blooloop’s conference focused on sustainability at visitor attractions, Madden-Nadeau said: “I was talking to someone a few weeks ago about the first robot massage prototypes, which was incredibly interesting. It replaces people in a way.”

The underwater shot of the Red Sea

She added: “At the Global Wellness Summit in November, the Chopra Foundation Institute pitched something to us called ‘’, which could be your biggest dream or your worst nightmare.”

According to the Chopra Foundation Institute, is a personalized AI platform with an AI-powered virtual wellness assistant. Via the is described as “where the future of exceptional healthcare is personalized based on your unique genetic blueprint, blood work and lifestyle.”

Madden-Nadeau explains: “It basically takes all your information, calculates everything and tells you exactly what you should do. These programs are actually intended to support this increased intelligence and access knowledge in a very easy way for everyday life. I think this will continue to evolve and grow.”

AI-powered virtual wellness assistants

During Greenloop, she also spoke about some other wellness tourism trends to watch, noting that technology plays an important role. Wearable devices are used by people who want to monitor their sleep levels and physical activity, for example.

“Today we are seeing many healthcare providers creating more comprehensive diagnostic assessments, along with more traditional wellness experiences,” she added. Some tests currently offered involve genetic, epigenetic and body composition.

Other operators are merging well-being and art. “We are also seeing companies hosting wellness retreats that combine yoga, meditative meditation and artistic workshops,” she said.

Saudi Amaala yacht club

“The last trend I think is worth mentioning is mental health, but specifically in men. There is an increasing demand for wellness travel and men. I would say it’s probably very generational, because you have different generations, probably starting from the Millennials and Generation Z, where wellness was raised as part of their DNA. It’s something they’ve been exposed to. There is a strong emphasis on emotional health and the importance of community and social connections among Generation Z.

“I think we’re seeing an average increase of five to 10 percent per year for wellness travel and men, which I think is fantastic. It shows that there are different demographic groups around the world that are embracing wellness.”

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Images courtesy of Red Sea Global and Chopra Foundation Institute