
Pet parents prioritize protein, gut health and freshness

Female owner feeding her Dalmatian dog

Providing quality care to their pets is of paramount importance to consumers, so much so that 86% are willing to adjust their budgets to ensure they can meet their pets’ needs. new research from Acosta Group.

The survey of more than 1,000 dog and cat owners found that almost everyone (96%) considers their pets part of the family, and that often means they are looking for pet food with the same qualities as their own food. More than four in ten (42%) pet parents say they prioritize high protein when choosing a diet for their dog or cat, followed by joint care (40%), probiotics (38%) and fresh , minimally processed ingredients (36%).

While owners still trust veterinarians most when it comes to the nutrition and health of their pets, more than half (52%) rely on online research to review ingredients, read packaging, compare prices and view customer reviews. This means brands need to be aware of the way their products appear online, and take the opportunity to highlight the health benefits and quality of the ingredients.

Brand loyalty is quite strong for pet food – a lot dog (57%) and cat (59%) owners said they are repeat customers. But they can be influenced by in-store promotions, and more than half (58%) have made impulse purchases of treats.

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