
Oilfields High School is among schools to receive an ESAC grant –

Oilfields High School in Diamond Valley received a grant to teach students about sustainable livestock farming.

The funding was part of the Environmental Student Action Challenge (ESAC), which funds environmental and sustainability programs and initiatives in Alberta schools.

Under the program, which was coordinated by the Bow Habitat Station, the Alberta government invested $14,000 in 11 schools in the 2024-2024 school year.

One of those schools was Oilfields High School, which received funding to teach students about sustainable livestock farming.

That includes rehabilitation practices and grassland conservation.

Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz was quoted in a province news release.

“The children in school today are the stewards of our environment tomorrow. The Environmental Student Action Challenge helps turn student innovation into real environmental solutions for the entire community. These students are doing innovative and important work and I am excited to see the results of their projects.”

Each school can apply for a grant of up to $1000 from the program.