
New petitions to sign this week: Help prevent elephants from being hit by trains in India, help fight student loan debt, justice for the Wyoming man who tortured the wolf, and more!

Unfortunately, for many people, the world is not a very peaceful or safe place. From conflict to abuse to exploitation: there is so much cruelty committed against people and animals. While this can be discouraging and difficult to hear, petitions are a great way to use your voice for good. Just by signing one, you will contribute to helping those who are not treated fairly. You can even share them with friends and acquaintances to increase your impact.

Through petitions we can reach those in power and demand justice for others. They are valuable tools to bring about positive changes in the world. If you’re looking for a way to help animals and people, here are six petitions to sign this week, including Help Prevent Elephants from Being Hit by Trains in India, Help Fight Student Loan Debt, and Justice for the Wyoming man who tortured the wolf.

We want to thank you for being the change you want to see in the world and for giving a voice to the voiceless.

1. Help repeal Arizona’s still-active 19th century abortion ban

The Arizona Supreme Court just ruled that an 1864 law banning abortion is still active and enforceable.

The ban dates back to the Civil War era, 48 years before Arizona even became a state in the US. For decades, this outdated law had been irrelevant since the Roo vs Wading This decision protected the right to abortion throughout the country in 1973. But now with Roo disappeared, old laws resurface.

And now this 160-year-old abortion ban is resurfacing like a ghost from hell to plague pregnant people across the state.

Please sign this petition to demand that the Arizona State Legislature finally do what it should have done years ago: repeal this 1800s law!

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2. Help prevent elephants from being hit by trains in India, help fight student loan debt, justice for the Wyoming man who tortured the wolf, and more!

Bani, a nine-month-old elephant calf, was tragically orphaned when her pregnant mother was hit by a speeding train in India. While Bani survived the accident, she was left with serious injuries and broken bones. Sadly, Bani’s heartbreaking story is all too common. Over the past decade, train collisions in India have claimed the lives of more than 200 endangered elephants, making them the second largest cause of unnatural elephant deaths in India. To make matters worse, this can be prevented.

Please sign this petition to demand that authorities in India take immediate action to prevent more of these unnecessary tragedies.

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3. Tell the World Bank to stop financing “Hog Hotels” in China

The term ‘pig hotels’ may conjure up images of luxury, but the grim reality is far from that. These towering structures in China house thousands of pigs crammed into tight spaces on each floor. These pig hotels are funded with millions from the World Bank’s private sector, which is dramatically opposing the organization’s global sustainability goals and its public obligations to animal welfare and environmental standards.

Please sign this petition and demand that the World Bank stop funding this animal welfare nightmare!

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4. Help fight student loan debt

President Joe Biden has made good on his promises to do his best and provide relief from the crushing burden of runaway student debt in the US. But of course he is thwarted at several turns by Congress and even the US Supreme Court. Now, thankfully, he’s trying again—and we must speak out to ensure Congress finally supports these important efforts.

Please sign this petition to assist the middle class and combat skyrocketing student debt!

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5. Justice for dogs left to die in a camper

Someone recently called authorities in North Dakota claiming that a man had locked a dog in a camper, putting it at risk of abuse.

However, when officials arrived, they found more than just the only living dog in the house. They also found two more: the skeleton of a dead dog and the half-eaten remains of another puppy. The floor of the camper was covered in feces. There were no people in the building.

Please sign this petition to ensure that this man will never be allowed to live with animals again.

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6. Justice for the man who paraded around a wounded wolf in a bar and shot him

The following story is one of the most heartbreaking examples of animal abuse we have seen. And yet no charges have been filed against the perpetrator.

Cody Roberts of Sublette County, Wyoming was riding his snowmobile when he spotted a young wolf – some sources describe the pup as only a year old. Roberts then continued to chase the wolf to the point of exhaustion and mowed them down with his snowmobile, wounding them so badly that they could not flee.

Instead of putting the wolf out of their misery, Roberts kept the poor thing alive for his own amusement. He taped their mouths shut and took the wolf to his local bar, where photos show him grinning with a beer in his hand and holding the exhausted, terrified, injured animal in his arms.

After Roberts and his friends had fun at the bar, he took the wolf outside and shot them. For this hours-long display of cruelty and torture, Roberts was only fined $250 for being in possession of a live wolf.

Please sign this petition and demand that authorities in Sublette County file animal cruelty charges against this sadistic man!

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  • Reduce your fast fashion footprint: Take initiative by standing up against fast fashion pollution and support sustainable and circular brands such as Small rescue that raise awareness about important issues through recycled, zero-waste clothing designed to be returned and remade repeatedly.
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