
Taking action against fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Hundreds of New Zealand families affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) will benefit from a new government focus on prevention and treatment, says Health Minister Dr Shane Reti.

“We know that FASD is a leading cause of preventable intellectual and neurodevelopmental disorders in New Zealand,” says Dr Reti.

“An estimated five Kiwi children are born with FASD every day. It is a condition that significantly hinders their lifelong learning and development and makes it very difficult for families.

“Today I am pleased to announce a range of new initiatives to strengthen the ability of healthcare staff to assess, diagnose, refer and support people with FASD and their families.

“We are introducing five new initiatives, including:

  • Publication of new FASD clinical diagnostic guidelines specifically tailored to New Zealand communities.
  • Healthcare professionals from the Child Development Services course will offer the new diagnostic guidelines from July. By the end of the year, 30 health professionals will be trained as a first step in growing a workforce better equipped to support people with FASD and their families.
  • Establishing a new community-led FASD pilot program from May 2024 to provide tailored support to whānau and caregivers at all stages of FASD.
  • From October, promoting a national FASD prevention campaign to raise awareness of the impact of FASD and support positive choices to minimize risks.
  • Revitalize the existing FASD Action Plan to ensure a coordinated, system-wide approach.

“We recognize that people with FASD can experience lifelong physical, behavioral, learning and mental health problems. These impacts are shared by families, caregivers and communities. It imposes significant economic and social costs on the country.

“As a GP, I know that FASD is a condition that has been recognized and supported for too long.

“There is strong evidence that prevention, early detection and intervention are the most effective ways to improve the health and well-being of people with FASD.

“This work program supports that compelling evidence.

“It also fits with our government’s priorities to improve public services such as health and education for all New Zealanders, while also continuing the enormous work of rebuilding our economy,” Dr Reti said.

Today’s announcements will be funded from a range of sources, including core funding, the alcohol levy and funding from the proceeds of crime. More than $2 million is currently being spent on implementing these initiatives.