
Shia leader slams NCERT’s ‘blasphemous’ depiction of Imam Khomeini – Rising Kashmir

Srinagar, April 27: Jammu and Kashmir President Anjuman Shria Shian Agha Syed Hassan Mousvi Safvi on Saturday expressed deep concern over the blasphemous portrayal of Imam Khomeini in an NCERT school textbook.
“This misrepresentation is not only a matter of academic importance but has significant implications for social harmony and religious sensitivities,” Agha Mousvi said in a statement issued here, adding: “It is our duty to to address this issue with the utmost urgency and dedication. ”
Mousvi, who is also chairman of the Anjuman Interfaith Dialogue Chapter, said: “It is not only unacceptable but also a distortion of historical truth and disrespect for religious sensitivities.”
He urged swift correction and apology and warned of repercussions if action is not taken quickly.
Agha Mousvi emphasized the immense stature of Imam Khomeini, saying that portraying him as blasphemous undermines his legacy and insults those who revere him. “He (Imam Khomeini) was a towering figure who stood up for justice, equality and the rights of the oppressed. His teachings and actions continue to inspire millions of people around the world, transcending boundaries of nationality, ethnicity and religion. To portray such a venerated figure as blasphemous is not only disrespectful but also deeply insulting to those who hold him in high regard,” he said, adding that it is necessary to recognize Imam Khomeini’s contributions to Islam and social justice to acknowledge, rather than diminish his contributions. legacy of blasphemy.
The Anjuman President argued that such misrepresentation not only distorts historical accuracy but also undermines efforts to promote mutual respect and understanding in a diverse society like India. He emphasized the importance of educational institutions that promote inclusivity and tolerance by accurately reflecting the beliefs and contributions of religious figures.
Agha Safvi called for immediate action to correct the mistake and urged the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough review of the curriculum and address the complaints of the affected communities. “Proactive steps must be taken to correct misrepresentations and reaffirm the commitment to promoting harmony, understanding and respect for all religions,” he said.