
The global debate over the use of plastic is intensifying due to environmental concerns – One Green Planet

Despite the industry’s efforts to clean up its image, concerns about the health and environmental hazards of plastics are growing. A recent publication by European scientists highlighted a database containing more than 16,000 chemicals found in plastics, many of which are linked to cancer and damage to the immune system. This backdrop has led to calls for strict measures, including possible caps on global plastic production, which are supported by a broad coalition of countries.

African countries are leading the way and calling for the reduction of single-use plastics, which are a major contributor to pollution. On the continent, nearly three dozen countries have enforced bans on various types of plastic and single-use packaging. Discussions in Ottawa also focused on the significant emissions from plastic production, underscoring the urgent need for a shift in production and consumption patterns.

The treaty talks, which continued this week, also attracted nearly 200 lobbyists from the fossil fuel and chemical industries, reflecting a 40% increase from previous sessions. The industry defends its role by pointing to the indispensability of plastics in sectors such as healthcare, where PVC bags are crucial for preserving blood, and ensuring the availability of clean tap water.

Global leaders and environmental groups, including the UN Environment Programme, which reports annual plastic production of more than 430 million tonnes, are pushing for a draft of the treaty by the end of the year. The goal is not only to curb plastic production, but also to mandate testing of hazardous chemicals in plastics, moving toward a sustainable framework that still recognizes the essential uses of plastics in modern technology and healthcare.

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