
Avocado may lower the risk, especially for women

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New research suggests that eating avocado may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in women, but not in men. Westend61/Getty Images
  • A large cross-sectional study found that avocados may reduce diabetes risk in women, although no significant association was found in men.
  • Women who ate 30-38 grams of avocado had a significantly lower risk of diabetes than those who did not eat avocado.
  • Experts say the combination of fiber and unsaturated fat in avocados plays a role in reducing the risk of diabetes
  • You can incorporate more avocado into your diet by using it as a spread or dressing or adding it to a smoothie

Avocado may be your first choice for brunch thanks to its creamy texture and documented heart health benefits. Now, new research has found that this popular food can lower your risk of diabetes.

A cross-sectional study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics examined the relationship between avocado consumption and diabetes in adults.

This study examined a large sample of more than 28,000 adults of different ages who participated in the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey.

The researchers found that compared to those who did not consume avocados, avocado-consuming women showed a lower risk of diabetes.

Women who ate avocados (30-38 grams/day) had significantly lower odds of diabetes, even after adjusting for several factors such as age, education level, body weight, physical activity and more.

Although the study found that women who ate avocados had a lower risk of diabetes, no significant association was observed in men.

Registered dietitian and public health physician Wendy Bazilian, who was not involved in the study, said this study has important implications for the population involved.

“Given what we know about the nutritional profile of avocados – they contain good unsaturated fats, a good source of fiber and a multitude of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, I’m not surprised to see that these findings suggest that eating avocados has a role may play a role in lower diabetes risk,” she said.

When it comes to the exact mechanisms at play, Bazilian says avocados offer an “ideal trifecta” for reducing the risk of diabetes.

First, they are rich in fiber.

“Eating foods with fiber helps manage blood sugar levels and feelings of satiety,” Bazilian explains. “As fiber makes its way through the digestive system, it slows digestion, which does two things: it makes us feel full longer and also prevents rapid increases in blood glucose after we eat a meal.”

Both are important for reducing your risk of diabetes.

Secondly, avocados contain a lot of unsaturated fat.

“Like fiber, fat slows digestion, which can help promote blood sugar control and satiety,” Bazilian noted.

Another important aspect of the duo of unsaturated fats and fiber is that both nutrients support heart health.

“Diabetes and heart disease are closely linked because their risk factors are similar,” Bazilian explains. “Avocados are a heart-healthy food, and the unsaturated fat and fiber in avocados can help maintain healthy LDL cholesterol levels, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.”

According to Bazilian, “what’s good for the heart is good for diabetes risk, blood sugar levels, and metabolic function and control.”

Finally, you might be surprised to learn that avocados are actually a fruit.

“A healthy diet consisting primarily of plant-based foods, including fruits and vegetables, is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and related cardiovascular disease risk factors,” Bazilian points out.

“It is also important to recognize that avocados, unlike most other fruits, do not contain naturally occurring sugars and do not affect glycemic response,” she added.

Interestingly, although the study found that eating avocados appears to reduce the risk of diabetes for women, no significant observations were made in men.

Why could that be so?

“The researchers point out that the difference in findings in men versus women could be attributed to the different lifestyle factors between men and women,” Bazilian noted. “Specifically, more men in the study were frequent smokers (~38%) compared to women (~12%), and smoking may increase the risk of developing diabetes.”

Registered dietitian nutritionist Kristen White agreed that several lifestyle factors may play a role. Additionally, she said it’s possible that hormonal differences between men and women could contribute to variations in how avocados affect metabolic health.

While this particular finding is intriguing – perhaps even confusing – Bazilian said it’s important to remember that sometimes we can’t always explain the results we see in nutritional research.

“This is why it is important to both continue to do research and look at the body of evidence on a topic and what other studies have shown,” she said.

If the findings of this study have inspired you to eat more avocado, Bazilian said there are some swaps you can make that are “really doable.”

She believes that just under one serving of avocado per day is a healthy amount that is achievable for most people.

“One way to incorporate more avocado into your diet is to swap mayo or butter on sandwiches with pureed avocado for a creamy, nutrient-rich spread,” White suggested. “You can also replace store-bought salad dressings with a homemade avocado dressing. Simply combine avocado, lemon juice, olive oil and herbs.

Another suggestion?

“Instead of using sour cream or cheese as a topping, use sliced ​​avocado to add creaminess and flavor to tacos, burritos or salads,” White advised.

Avocados are also a great addition to smoothies.

“Blend avocado into smoothies for a creamy texture and added nutrients, or use it as a base for desserts like avocado chocolate pudding,” White suggested.

Avocados have many proven health benefits, and new research suggests they may also reduce the risk of diabetes.

The results suggest that you don’t have to eat a lot of avocados to experience the benefits.

You can make simple changes, such as using them as a spread, dressing or smoothie ingredient, to increase the amount of avocados in your diet.