
How sushi became a sore point for Hong Kong’s plastic ban The Post unpacks the saga

The change meant that some sushi dishes intended for takeaway were packaged in the regular plastic boxes, while those intended for diners dining in their stores received the cardboard containers.

But the biodegradable cardboard boxes only showed an image of the food, with some diners saying the decision left them questioning the presentation quality of their meals.

The company also posted signs at store entrances to remind customers that single-use plastic containers should not be used for dinner dishes.

Some shoppers at Don Don Donki in Causeway told the Post they were concerned about food safety and preferred to see their sushi when purchasing, while others said the convenience of dining was more important than the appearance of the food.

A sign at Don Don Donki telling customers that only food sold in cardboard packaging can be purchased for dine-in. Photo: Eugene Lee

What does the plastic ban in Hong Kong mean?

The first phase of Hong Kong’s ban on single-use plastics came into effect on Monday, including a six-month grace period to give companies time to clear their stockpiles of banned items.

The policy prohibits restaurants from offering customers polystyrene products, disposable plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery or plates for dine-in or takeout.

The ban also covers items used by dine-in customers, such as single-use cups, cup lids and food containers.

Restaurants may still serve food or drinks in single-use plastic containers for takeout orders, but the items cannot be made of Styrofoam.

Once the grace period has expired, violators may be fined up to HK$100,000 (US$12,765) and may also have to pay HK$2,000 under a fixed penalty system.

The second phase of the ban could start next year and will ban all single-use plastic use in restaurants, including food containers, six-pack canned beverage yokes, tablecloths, disposable gloves and plastic-stemmed dental floss.

Everything you need to know about Hong Kong’s new single-use plastic ban – a complete visual guide

What is the government’s response?

The Department of Environmental Protection issued a statement Thursday evening saying that retailers, such as supermarkets that sell pre-packaged food on shelves for immediate consumption, can categorize them as takeaway items.

“Therefore, plastic cups and plastic food containers can be used. Where customers consume the product is irrelevant,” the report said.

But those supermarkets with on-site dining areas serving cooked food would be considered offering dine-in services and subject to the same rules as restaurants, it added.

“This situation is comparable to the operation of a food court, and is no different from that of a regular restaurant,” the department argued.

Hong Kong authorities under fire after clarification about sushi served in plastic

How do people react?

Lawmaker Peter Shiu Ka-fai urged authorities to make more effort to explain the ins and outs of the ban to residents and industry players, to help clear up any gray areas.

He gave an example where a retailer might sell both pre-packaged and made-to-order fried chicken on his premises.

The first product would be considered takeaway, while the second would be subject to dine-in rules, Shiu said in a radio program on Friday.

“Consumers may think: why do different rules apply when I buy the same product at the same place? This will lead to confusion,” he said.

The lawmaker said some retail and hospitality businesses told him they didn’t fully understand the new rules.

“Some of them are concerned about whether they can still use clear plastic boxes,” Shiu said. “The government has provided clarifications, but I believe it still needs to engage stakeholders and businesses to provide further explanations about the new regulations.”

Will picking sushi in Hong Kong become more of a lottery under the plastic ban?

Lawmaker Doreen Kong Yuk-foon expressed concern over whether the ministry’s statement meant supermarkets could still use the plastic containers for dining purposes under the ban.

Kong, who served on a committee investigating the plastic ban law, said the explanation was not in accordance with the law and accused the ministry of only creating more confusion.

According to the Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Ordinance, a caterer engages in dining services when “the purpose of serving the food or drink is for consumption on the premises”.

“It was too eager to reassure the retail chains that they can put sushi in plastic boxes without going through what the law says and what they have told the industry before,” she says.

“Such a mistake is entirely avoidable and the officials responsible for this should be held accountable for creating such contradictory statements and misinterpreting the law.”