
Other Christianity Other Fruit, Part 3

As we wrap up our reflection on how different types of Christianity produce different types of fruit, I find myself living in Appalachia once again. We have different types of Christianity here in these cries. One kind is the evangelical, fundamentalist form of Christianity, which produces one kind of fruit in our communities. Another inclusive, progressive kind of Christianity seeks to produce a different kind of fruit.

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(Read this series from the beginning with Part 1 and Part 2.)

The fruit of certain types of Christianity we have here is to harm trans children and other LGBTQ people; to abolish the bodily autonomy and health care rights that women have in society and to treat women as second-class members in their faith communities while giving men more privileged leadership positions. Other harmful fruits grown on this type of soil include bigotry and harm toward immigrants, even in light of the wisdom found in the Hebrew Scriptures to “do no wrong or violence to the stranger” (Jeremiah 22: 3). This community also elects leaders who are committed to eliminating funding for the poor and unemployed. How could this be consistent with the Jesus found in their gospel stories? That Jesus preached “good news to the poor” and taught those who have more than they need to care and share with those who have less.

There are also progressive types of Christians in Appalachia, whose fruits include feeding the poor, speaking out, and working for women’s health care rights and choices, the rights of LGBTQ people, and more. This brand of Christianity wants free school lunches for students, knowing that many students live in counties where food is scarce. This kind of Christianity wants health care for everyone. These types of Christian communities are the ones that keep me from giving up Christianity in its entirety here in Appalachia. They show that there is a way to interpret the Jesus story of Jesus that produces fruit that is in harmony with the ethics we read about in the Jesus story.

Another example comes from a post I shared seven years ago now. In 2017, I shared a post on Facebook from the good folks at Queer Theology about the fruit of affirming theology. It’s a good example of the principle we’re thinking about this week. The fruit of anti-LGBTQ theology is depression, despair, suicide, broken homes, loss of faith, bullying and harassment, while the fruit of affirming theology is a return to faith, healing of relationships, vibrancy and revival of the church life. I think about the LGBTQ Christian communities I have been blessed to serve and interact with over the years, and how these communities have repeatedly demonstrated their demonstration of faith and commitment to following Jesus. And I will forever be indebted to the beautiful version of Jesus that these communities introduced me to over a decade ago now.

Christianity often finds itself at a crossroads when it comes to social engagement. Historically, we have too often found ourselves on the deadly side of social issues, only making life-giving changes when society outside our faith communities pressures us to embrace its wisdom. Today we are once again at one of those crossroads.

I don’t understand how so many Christians can support unchristian, anti-Sermon on the Mount policies, values ​​and politicians. I can not explain. Our choices will pay off fruit. And thereby fruit generations will judge whether Christianity has anything life-giving to offer. In Matthew, Jesus warns the elite and powerful class of his day (who were complicit in harming the vulnerable in his own society) about producing fruit that was not in harmony with a world that is safe, just, and compassionate for all. These words apply to Christianity today: “I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.” (Matthew 21:43). Today, it is no secret that many types of Christianity fail to produce the kind of fruit that makes this world a better place, fruit that is in harmony with the teachings of Jesus and the Jesus story. Instead, they produce thorns and thistles. They hinder the kind of world their Jesus wanted to create. We have to be careful and deliberate here. Otherwise we will find ourselves fighting the people and movements that do Are produce life-giving fruit. If we want to, we can help build a world that is just and safe for all. Some forms of Christianity will require change. And this change will be worth all the effort in the end.

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