
Cincinnati Zoo chooses Kalahari as the name for its baby bat-eared fox


Our favorite baby boy has a name!

The newborn bat-eared fox at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden is named Kalahari, or “Kal” for short, the zoo announced in a tweet Thursday.

The name is a nod to Africa’s Kalahari Desert, where bat-eared foxes are native, the zoo explains in the post.

The Kalahari Desert extends approximately 360,000 square kilometers across Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. The landscape is home to a variety of animals, including meerkats, the Kalahari lion, Cape cobras and gemsboka large member of the antelope family.

The zoo announced Kal’s name almost three weeks after he was born on April 5. The male kit is known to “sleep a lot” and “make cute noises when it’s feeding time,” Samantha Villa, lead keeper of the zoo’s Animal Ambassador Team, said in a news conference. Edition.

The zoo has yet to determine the kit’s public debut, which will be announced on the zoo’s social media channels.

However, there will be plenty of opportunities to see the bat-eared fox in the future. He will be featured in the Cheetah Encounter and at some events. He will also become an ambassador animal, one that visitors can often get up close to and learn more about from the zoo’s Wild Encounters and Animal Ambassador teams.