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By means of Bill Juneau, April 22, 2024

He is an obedient and submissive Democrat with full protection against the Party of the Jackass and its chief mule, the lame-thinking and confused Joe Biden.

And so the justified impeachment trial of Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas has been destroyed by the House of Representatives and rejected by the Senate, depriving the citizenry of hearing how the Cuban-born and law-breaking Mayorkas opened America’s borders to everyone, including drug dealers, criminals, troublemakers and US haters.

They are ‘non-citizens and we respect them.’ The words “alien” and “illegals” have been removed from all U.S. forms and may no longer be used, he explained. / Video image

Under the Constitution, impeachments are proposed and enshrined in articles approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, the lower body of Congress. These articles are then sent to the Senate for consideration and voting. Conviction and removal of Cabinet members requires a two-thirds guilty vote from sitting senators, while today there are 51 Democrats and 49 Republicans. Also, the Senate has the power to preclude a trial by majority vote of the senators

Mayorkas, 64, is the nation’s secretary of homeland security, and his outrageous behavior at the borders has appeased a brain-damaged President Biden, who appointed him to his Cabinet after taking office in 2021. Under Mayorkas and Biden, some 8 to 10 million uninvited and illegal immigrants have entered American soil in more than three years. They have waded across the narrow Rio Grande River along the southern part of Texas; And they have sneaked in from behind bushes and crawled over rocky parts of the property.

Border riders who tried to discourage their arrival were punished by Mayorkas and accused of using their reins as a whipping instrument against immigrants fording the river. Subsequent investigations determined that the border police using horses had acted appropriately and that the use of reins was for the purpose of controlling the animals, not out of hostility, and was not unlawful. Nevertheless, Mayorkas, with Biden’s approval, punished them with a suspension and accused them of using “harsh” language against black invaders from Haiti.

Generally, illegal immigrants are detained and interviewed when they are apprehended by border agents and told to report for a hearing on their asylum claims. At the same time, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, pay off their cartel drivers and sneak into America untouched, then make their way to destinations unknown. Illegal immigrants who are given a court date rarely return for a hearing, and simply blend in and mislead authorities by giving them green cards that allow permanent residency.

They are “non-citizens and we respect them,” said the smug Mayorkas with their shiny heads. The words “alien” and “illegals” have been removed from all U.S. forms and may no longer be used, he explained. Shelter and transportation are often provided to these undocumented ‘non-citizens’. Some are taken by buses to army barracks or luxury hotels or put on planes destined for the desired cities. There are no checks and new ‘non-citizens’ are never checked for possible carriers of the Covid virus.

In addition to ignoring the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and disregarding border crossing laws, Mayorkas had indicated that persons unlawfully present in America are not in themselves sufficient grounds for their removal. He said criminal convictions are not enough to warrant arrest.

Mayors of major cities like New York and Chicago complain that they are being overrun with illegal immigrants, causing problems and requiring millions of dollars to house them. The illegal immigrants are committing crimes and pushing fentanyl, and innocent people are dying at their hands.

Pregnant migrants are taken to hospitals where they give birth, and the new babies immediately become U.S. citizens earning Social Security benefits; And the family present receives shelter and subsistence. Women who want an abortion are cared for by trained doctors. Illegals have come to the United States from dozens of different countries, with all continents well represented. Chinese immigrants are among the new residents in increasing numbers.

On February 13, the U.S. House voted 214-213 on two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, despite 8 to 10 million illegal entries over the past three-plus years. In addition to ignoring the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and disregarding border crossing laws, Mayorkas had indicated that persons unlawfully present in America are not in themselves sufficient grounds for their removal. He said criminal convictions are not enough to warrant arrest.

During hearings last year before House committees, Mayorkas testified that “Yes, the southern border is secure.” That was a demonstrable lie to Congress, and when he told it, North Carolina Rep. Daniel Bishop became enraged and told the stone-faced mayors that “you guys are certainly a good candidate for impeachment.”

After the Biden elections in 2020, Mayorkas was nominated to take charge of the border as Secretary of Homeland Security. He served as deputy secretary of the department under President Obama. Despite some opposition questioning his suitability for the position, the Senate approved the new Cabinet member by a vote of 56-43.

Some anti-Mayorkas congressmen and women have recalled how the late Sen. John McCain and Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma had opposed his appointments in the Obama administration, where he had served as deputy secretary of homeland security and as director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Senators McCain and Coburn opposed Mayorkas, claiming he mismanaged the operation of a visa program for wealthy foreign investors and that the matter had been noticed by the inspector general.

Mayorkas was only the second impeachment of a Cabinet member in American history. The first was in 1876 when the House accused Secretary of War William Worth Bellnap of bribery and other misdeeds. Bellnap resigned after the articles were passed, but the Senate nevertheless held a trial and acquitted him of all charges.

It was ugly, raw politics… to protect Mayorkas and the open border policy. It effectively covered up Mayorkas’ lying to Congress, breaking the law, and the open border policies endorsed and pushed by the corrupt, slow-thinking 81-year-old Biden.

For the Democrats, it’s all a political game, and right and wrong behavior is irrelevant.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, the same Democratic boss who pushed for two impeachments against former President Trump when there was no evidence of any wrongdoing or wrongdoing by him, had the Senate controlled by a slim Democratic majority, vote to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Mayorkas. The action barred a trial in which there would be evidence of the mayor’s incompetence on open borders and his lies to Congress.

The Democratic majority also excluded any debate that Americans could hear, weigh and consider about the secretary’s alleged malfeasance and malfeasance.

Schumer said articles did not meet the standards of high crimes and misdemeanors set forth in the Constitution, and that moving forward with a trial would “set a dangerous precedent.” The votes rejecting each article of impeachment were cast on a partisan line.

It was ugly, raw politics with Schumer doing Biden’s bidding to protect Mayorkas and the open border policy. It effectively covered up Mayorkas’ lying to Congress, breaking the law, and the open border policies endorsed and pushed by the corrupt, slow-thinking 81-year-old Biden.

Bill Juneau worked for 25 years as a reporter and night city editor at the Chicago Tribune. He subsequently became a partner in a law firm and also served as a village prosecutor and as a consultant to the Cook County Circuit Court and the Cook County Medical Examiner. He currently writes columns and the blog ‘Florida Bill’.