
Florida’s governor says Satanism is ‘not real’ as he signs bill

Left: FILE – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gestures during a press conference on January 26, 2023, in Miami. (AP Photo/Marta Lavandier, File). Right: the Satanic Temple logo. (Satanic Temple website.)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may have just prepared himself for a fight from hell over the First Amendment.

Last week, the Republican governor signed two bills into law known as HB 1317 and HB 931, legislation first introduced by Republicans in the Florida statehouse in January and December, respectively.

HB 1317 urged voluntary representation of “patriotic organizations” in elementary schools and HB 931 specifically urged approval of volunteer chaplains’ admission to public schools. For advocates, the bills, as written, were an opportunity for “patriotic organizations to speak to students, distribute certain materials, and provide opportunities for certain displays related to the patriotic organizations,” among other purposes.