
AHPRC Student Research Initiative poster event, April 25

The Marquette AHPRC Student Research Initiative is designed to facilitate undergraduate research on campus and support the mission and global purpose of the AHPRC. Join the AHPRC staff, the SRI awardees and their research mentors on Thursday, April 25 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM to celebrate the conclusion of the 2023-2024 SRI program. Coffee and bagels are provided.

Student poster presentations begin at 8:00 am. Presentations include:

  • Tess Birmingham, exercise physiology major (under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Sundberg): “Impact of blood flow restriction on satellite cell and capillary content in skeletal muscle of older adults”
  • Lilianna Buss, medical laboratory science major (under the guidance of Dr. Nilanjan Lodh): “Health Monitoring and Educational Intervention: Improving the Well-Being of the African American Community”
  • Joanna Lee, biomedical sciences major (under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Sundberg): “Potential role of cellular aging on type-specific atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers in aging”
  • Grace Tostrud, exercise physiology major (under the supervision of Dr. Jacob Capin): “Bone density in athletes participating in jumping, cutting and turning sports: an understudied population”

To register for this event, please email AHPRC Lab Manager, Dr. Mike Haischer.