
The Committee is getting its hands dirty for Earth Day 2024

Earth Day is an annual, global event that takes place on April 22 to show support for environmental protection

It’s Earth Day in Stratford and around the world.

To mark the day, members of the Energy and Environment Committee worked with volunteers to improve the cribwall – a retaining wall – on the north shore of Lake Victoria.

As part of an ongoing effort to increase biodiversity on the shoreline, they have eradicated invasive plants such as thistles and coltsfoot and replaced them with native grasses such as big bluestem, according to a post on the Town of Stratford’s Facebook page.

Earth Day is an annual global event that takes place on April 22 to show support for protecting the environment.

Started in 1970 after a UNESCO conference in San Francisco, next year will mark the 55th anniversary of Earth Day.