
It’s Earth Day. Here are 6 tips to keep yourself – and the planet – healthy.

You take care of yourself by exercising and eating well, but did you know that some of your healthy lifestyle choices can also have a big impact on the planet? For Earth Day, which falls on Monday, April 22, experts are sharing tips on how you can not only improve your own well-being, but also show Mother Nature some love. This may mean finding ways to avoid exposure to chemicals in your cleaning products and even paper goods — or it may mean burning some calories while getting outside. Here’s what experts want you to know so you can have a happy, healthy Earth Day — and beyond.

Avoid receipts

Do you always take a paper receipt in the store? Dr. Opt Health’s Jeremy Walker tells Yahoo Life that you should skip this — and not just to save paper. Skipping the receipt can help you avoid BPA or bisphenol A, an industrial chemical found in receipts, as well as certain plastics and resins. As Walker notes, BPA is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that can disrupt natural hormones; Exposure to BPA has been linked to conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and erectile dysfunction.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said that BPA is safe at very low levels. Experts say more research is needed to fully assess its harm, but in general, endocrine disruptors like BPA are most harmful at sensitive times in a person’s life, such as infancy, childhood, puberty and when trying to conceive , due to their potential impact on fetal development.

“This is another good reason to go paperless,” says Walker. “Just say no to receipts.”

Walk, don’t drive

Do you live in a walkable area? Dr. Laura Purdy of Swell Medical tells Yahoo Life that you can reduce gas emissions – one of the biggest contributors to pollution – by walking errands instead. This will “reduce your carbon footprint and in turn increase your own activity levels.”

“Walking has so many health benefits for people of all ages and all fitness levels,” she says. “It can burn calories, it’s good for your heart, helps your joints and boosts your immune system and energy levels.”

Better yet: go on a waste walk

One way to improve your community is to take part in a ‘trash walk’ – also called ‘plogging’ – where you collect all the rubbish (including recycling that you can properly sort) that you encounter along your route . Be sure to bring gloves, a waste collector and garbage bags for easy disposal. Not only will you be helping to reduce litter in your area, you will also be helping, which is good for your overall well-being.

Stop storing your leftovers in plastic containers in the microwave

When you microwave plastic, it releases millions of microplastic particles that can end up in the food you heat. To avoid adding microplastics like BPA and phthalates to your leftover pad thai—and to be generally more environmentally friendly—place your takeout food in a microwave-safe glass container first. Swapping your plastic containers and single-use containers for glass alternatives is a better move for both you and the planet.

Start a garden

By growing your own food at home, you can avoid harmful pesticides that may be lurking in the produce of your conventional grocery store. It can also be a good way to get some exercise, since tending a garden involves calorie-burning activities like digging, lifting and bending. It is estimated that just one hour of gardening burns between 200 and 400 calories.

From soap to washing capsules, rethink your cleaning routine

“Marketing makes us believe that we need a separate cleaner for floors, counters, laundry, etc., when in reality, thinking multi-functionally when it comes to cleaning is demonstrably better for your health,” sustainability expert Ashlee Piper tells Yahoo Life, and noting that this will also help you reduce your exposure to chemicals that can be bad for your health. “I use Dr. Bronner’s castile soap as a laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, body soap and in my homemade surface cleaner, which just contains some castile soap, vinegar and a few drops of an essential oil.”

Another simple step is to stop using laundry pods to clean your clothes. Although convenient, these pods have drawn criticism from environmental groups because of the PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) plastic particles they contain. There has also been an increase in the number of poisonings due to exposure to these pods. For more eco-friendly cleaning tips, click here.