
Laos Gifted Elephants Welcome to Kingdom

The two three-year-old elephants that were presented as a gift from the people of Laos to King Norodom Sihamoni. The female of the pair is called Rumduol. She arrived at the Phnom Tamao Zoological Park on May 12 with her male companion Champa. Ministry of Agriculture

The donation of two young elephants from Laos to Cambodia shows the solidarity of the two neighboring countries, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Dith Tina said at the official handover ceremony, which was attended by his Laos counterpart Linkham Douangsavanh.

Two three-year-old pachyderms, one male and one female, were presented as gifts to King Norodom Sihamoni during a ceremony at the Phnom Tamao Zoological Park on May 12.

“Minister Dith Tina said the gift of the pair of elephants is of great significance to both countries. The presence of high-level delegations from both countries shows the close friendship and excellent cooperation between the two neighbors,” said a social media post on the same day by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Tina believed that the gift would strengthen the friendship between the two countries and bring closer cooperation in the field of wildlife protection.

Tina noted that elephants are carved into the walls of Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple.

The two three-year-old elephants that were presented as a gift from the people of Laos to King Norodom Sihamoni. The female of the pair is called Rumduol. She arrived at the Phnom Tamao Zoological Park on May 12 with her male companion Champa. Ministry of Agriculture

He explained that Cambodian ancestors from the Khmer Empire used the animals in ancient times as a means of transportation and to wage war.

He added that the unique creatures are now under threat, necessitating the need for their conservation and protection.

Im Rachna, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Environment, said it was estimated that Cambodia currently had about 400 to 600 wild elephants and 75 domesticated elephants.

According to the ministry, Laotian head of state Thongloun Sisoulith announced the donation of the elephants to King Norodom Sihamoni during his state visit to Cambodia on April 23 and 24. The presentation of the two animals was intended to show solidarity between the two nations.