
Find a local farm and enjoy the benefits

Florida residents have forgotten their local farmers in recent years due to their heavy dependence on supermarket chains.

That’s why, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Florida residents had to wait in line for hours at the grocery store, instead of driving a few minutes away to buy fresh goods from their local farm. This disconnect also affected farmers. When grocery store shelves were parched, local farmers in Florida were stuck with surplus goods that were running low.

I saw the lines at the grocery stores and farmers asking for help, so I started the Florida Farm Finder Facebook group to connect these groups in need. As a result, Floridians could quickly find local farms to relieve them of surplus goods while purchasing fresh goods. Since 2020, our Facebook group has grown from a Polk County group to a reach of over 70,000 members statewide in Florida, reaching five million people annually.

Our group’s popularity highlights a desire to connect with local farmers and consume the great food grown in our state. As the health-conscious movement grows, many Floridians are shopping for local products for their health benefits.

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Produce from nearby farms reaches maximum ripeness when harvested and retains more nutrients than supermarket produce, which is often picked prematurely and loses vitamins during long-term storage and transportation. Our group encourages the ethos of ‘know your farmer, know your food’, which promotes building relationships with farmers to learn more about the food you consume.

Not only will you learn more about your food when you build a relationship with your local farmer, but you will also further unite our community at a time when so much divides us.

Although our community is primarily on Facebook, there is nothing more powerful than the personal connections that come from our group. The best stories come from farmers and consumers who have met new people in their community or found their new favorite place to take their kids to pick fruit.

I grew up on a small farm and loved picking our food and watching the crops grow. But when I started my own family, I worried that my children wouldn’t have the same experience because we didn’t live on a farm.

Fortunately, I have developed friendships with farmers through this group, and my kids have fallen in love with visiting the farms, especially the u-pick farms. While visiting small farms benefits our health and the economy, it is also a family-friendly activity and learning experience for both children and parents.

Investing in local farmers gives you access to fresh, healthy produce and contributes to the economic vitality and environmental sustainability of your local community. I am optimistic about the future of local agriculture because of the popularity of our group, but I would encourage all Floridians to find a farm nearby. Everyone benefits when our local farmers thrive.

Jillian Childs is the founder of Florida Farm Finder, a group based in Polk County that helps Floridians find small farms in their communities.