
Apollo Cancer Center performs Karnataka’s first robotic nipple-sparing mastectomy

Bangalore: Cancer remains the most feared disease worldwide. But to address these ongoing challenges, cancer diagnostic techniques and technological advances are helping reduce early detection rates, improving life expectancy and bringing us closer to cancer care.

In this ongoing battle against cancer, treatments are being innovated using modern technologies that have advanced cancer care by leaps and bounds. To conquer cancer, Apollo Cancer Center (ACC), Bengaluru, has successfully performed Karnataka’s first Robotic Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (RNSM) – an advanced surgical technique – to treat breast cancer. In India, the rate of breast cancer is remarkably high, especially among young women: 48% of cases.

The technique combines robotic technology with advanced breast cancer treatment. Through a small, almost invisible incision, robotic surgery allows a precise mastectomy while sparing and protecting the nipple and surrounding skin.

Furthermore, it facilitates breast reconstruction during the same procedure, which offers several benefits to patients. These benefits include less scarring, faster recovery times and improved cosmetic results, providing better patient satisfaction compared to traditional mastectomy techniques.

Ms. Sridhar’s reports suggested multicentric disease and DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in situ) which, if left untreated, had a high chance of becoming malignant. A mastectomy was the only option and she wasn’t ready to lose her breast. The doctors performed RNSM with implant reconstruction through a small incision where a 4 cm lateral incision was made under her arm, the muscle was dissected and the cancerous breast was removed and the implant and reconstruction surgery were performed.

Before visiting ACC, many doctors brushed it aside and said it was “normal.”

Meanwhile, Ms Sekhara was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago and had multiple cancerous growths in all quadrants of her right breast. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, the so-called Triple Negative Breast Cancer. She underwent immunotherapy and eight cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, after which the entire nodule and axillary nodes were removed. An RNSM with implant reconstruction was performed and today she is recovering, pain free and healthier than she was six months ago.

Dr. Jayanti Thumsi, Chief Surgeon, Breast Oncology, ACC, Bengaluru, said, “Despite high prevalence, breast cancer survival rates have improved significantly due to early detection and advanced therapies. With this innovation, our focus is not only on fighting cancer, but also on guaranteeing a good quality of life for patients. Unlike traditional mastectomy that compromises the aesthetics of femininity, innovative surgery such as RNSM has a significant impact on the physical and emotional aspects of the patient.”

Dr. Vishwanath S, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, ACC, Bengaluru, said: “Robotic nipple sparing mastectomy is one of the new and promising surgical techniques that is considered safe, reducing the chance of skin and nipple complications (necrosis) in early wound healing requiring early administration of chemotherapy, with better postoperative quality of life and physical/sexual well-being.”

28-year-old Ms. Lalitha Sridhar (name changed on request) said, “I am happy that I made the right decision and chose RNSM. This technique saved me from chemotherapy or radiation. If I had left it longer, I would have had an 88% chance of a precancerous breast lump turning into a full-blown cancer.” Ms. Sridhar was discharged on the third day after surgery.

Mr. Dinesh Madhavan, President-Group Oncology & International, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, said, “Robotics has revolutionized cancer care. The implementation of advanced materials and designs, along with the integration of imaging and visualization technologies, has improved surgical accuracy and faster recovery. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning tools in surgical decision-making by improving the recognition of minute and complex anatomical structures. Advances through robotic procedures such as Robotic Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (RNSM) have led to faster recovery and fewer complications in patients. The growth curve of robotic surgery points to innovation and Apollo’s RNSM is a testament to the continued drive for advancement in healthcare.”

Mr. Tapan Desai, Area Sales Director of Intuitive, said: “Intuitive is excited to celebrate another milestone with Apollo Hospitals as they complete a robotic amputation procedure. This achievement underlines our shared commitment to advancing surgical innovation and improving patient care .We commend the skilled surgical team at Apollo Hospitals for their dedication to utilizing cutting-edge technology for the benefit of their patients.”