
Domestic and feral cats can be cute and cuddly, but they can also be deadly

COLUMN: Each year, cats kill between 100 million and 350 million birds in Canada

Moira Rosser-Peterson

Specially for the PQB news

Did you know that the domestic cat is an alien species that originally came from ancient Egypt at least 4,000 years ago?

Cats have beautiful, soft fur and can be cute and cuddly when they feel like it, but they are considered the most common alien predator on the planet. Domestic cats have been largely responsible for the extinction of 33 bird species since the 17th century.

Scientists estimate that free-ranging cats kill hundreds of millions of birds, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians every year, including endangered species. The impact of feral and free-range cats is a recognized problem in wildlife rehabilitation.

Cats are especially deadly to birds. Even well-fed, pampered cats will hunt and kill. Every year, domestic and feral cats in Canada kill between 100 million and 350 million birds. As a result, some bird species have declined by as much as 90 percent.

Cat attacks are one of the main reasons why birds, especially smaller species, are admitted to the North Island Wildlife Recovery Center (NIWRA). Bacteria found in a cat’s saliva and mouth can cause rapid and fatal blood (circulatory) poisoning in birds and small animals.

How can pet owners help?

Spay or neuter your cat at a young age, don’t feed stray cats, never abandon a cat and support the work of your local SPCA.

Keep your pet indoors or have someone on hand build a secure outdoor enclosure fit for a feline king or queen. Not only will you keep birds safer, but your pet too. Outdoor cats can be exposed to many dangers, including cars, fights with other cats and wild animals, and diseases. Deterring cats from roaming freely also reduces human exposure to diseases such as toxoplasmosis and can reduce neighbor conflicts.

READ MORE: NIWRA: How to help wildlife by 2024

Domestic cats that hunt can contract and spread bird flu. In some cases, cats have been found to be infected with the H5N1 virus after coming into contact with sick birds or their contaminated environment. Bird flu can have serious consequences for the health of domestic cats. Cat owners should be vigilant and consult the vet immediately if their pets show signs of illness, especially if they suspect they have been exposed to sick birds.

Domestic cats have a reputation for liking things their way, but you will be doing them, and birds and other small wildlife, a great favor by keeping them safe indoors.

NIWRA, a non-profit organization, is based in Errington. It is open to the public daily for viewing non-releasable animals. Visit to learn more about their programs, read stories about the animals and learn how you can help care for wildlife