
Democratic senator in vulnerable position supports Laken Riley’s immigration bill in preparation for challenging re-election in the conservative state.

Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., is backing an immigration bill named after Georgia student Laken Riley, who was found dead on the University of Georgia campus by an illegal immigrant. The bill would require Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain illegal immigrants who have committed specific crimes. Tester initially helped block the legislation, but has now expressed his support after hearing from law enforcement officials in Montana. Despite this support, it is unlikely that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will bring up the Laken Riley Act for a standalone vote. Republican lawmakers have criticized Tester for his past opposition to immigration-related measures and accused him of only now supporting the bill because of his defiant re-election campaign.

The death of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, has gained national attention and sparked debate about strengthening the southern border and tightening U.S. immigration policies. Republicans forced a vote on a modified version of the Laken Riley Act to amend a spending package, which was rejected along party lines, with Tester voting against it. Questions have been raised about Tester’s motives for supporting the bill now, with some suggesting it could be a strategy to gain support in his tough re-election fight in Montana. Tester’s opponents have accused him of flip-flopping on the issue and criticized his previous votes in support of what they called “open borders policies.”

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. and other Republicans have been vocal in their criticism of Tester, claiming he has been reluctant to vote on immigration-related measures because of his electoral vulnerability. Despite these claims, Tester’s camp continues to maintain that his support for the Laken Riley bill has been consistent, and that accusations of a reversal of position are false. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has labeled Tester “Two-Faced” and accused him of joining Joe Biden’s open borders agenda. The race in Montana between Tester and his Republican opponent is considered one of the most competitive in the country, with political analysts categorizing it as a “Toss Up.”

Tester’s decision to support the Laken Riley Act has sparked controversy and debate over his motives and consistency on immigration issues. Some critics see his support of the bill as a political move to gain support in his re-election campaign, while others question his commitment to border security given his past votes on related measures. Tester’s camp claims he has consistently supported the bill and that accusations of a change in position are unfounded. Ultimately, the fate of the Laken Riley Act remains uncertain, with Senate Majority Leader Schumer unlikely to bring the bill up for a standalone vote. As the race in Montana heats up, Tester’s position on immigration policy will likely remain a key issue in his campaign.