
Experts are drawing attention to the consequences of declining bat populations. Here you can read what consequences this could have for you

Bats have long suffered from a negative PR problem, but now that their populations are declining, it’s time to shed some light on the crucial role they play in agriculture and a sustainable environment.

What is going on?

According to the Guardian, bat populations around the world have declined in large numbers due to several factors.

According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, climate-related events such as extreme weather events drive these flying mammals from their familiar roosts and disrupt their normal cycles. As the planet warms, there is an increase in severe storms, droughts and wildfires, all of which disrupt animal habitats. Humans also play a role in promoting deforestation in the pursuit of raw materials, agricultural land and increasing the human footprint.

Additionally, according to the Guardian, there has been a dramatic increase in white-nose syndrome since its discovery in 2006. This fungus attacks bats while they hibernate and is easily transmissible throughout the population. It causes them to burn through their energy reserves too quickly and spend unusual time outdoors during the colder months.

Why is this concerning?

Bats are stereotyped as creepy and disturbing creatures, but their presence is usually indicative of a thriving ecosystem. Without them we would face a noticeable impact on agriculture.

According to the National Park Service, insect-eating bats provide an estimated $3.7 billion in free pest control annually in the U.S., benefiting crops of staples such as rice, coffee and chocolate.

Like bees, some even help pollinate desirable crops, including avocados, bananas, coconuts and agave (a key component of tequila).

The Guardian reported comments from Diana Pinzón, a forestry engineer, who noted that the high demand for agave-based spirits is “not sustainable in the long term.” She said: “It’s a big problem for agaves that are endemic to Mexico, and for the bats and all the biodiversity around the ecosystems where the agaves grow.”

Other bat species provide valuable seed dispersal services, helping to disperse foods such as figs, papayas, mangoes and almonds.

What can you do to help?

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, more than 52% of North American bats are already at risk of becoming endangered, threatened or under scrutiny in the next fifteen years. Action is needed to help them survive.

Individuals can do their part by purchasing or building their own bat houses to support local people.

Other positive actions include preserving the natural environment on properties, reducing the use of pesticides and leaving outdoor lights off at night. Donations can also be made to groups that actively promote the conservation of bat populations and work with federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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