
What is the best way to have ARBI for diabetics?

Arbi, also known as taro root or colocasia, is a versatile and nutritious root vegetable that is gaining popularity worldwide. This starchy wonder offers an array of health benefits thanks to its impressive nutritional profile.

According to G Sushma, clinical dietician, CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, arbi has a high water content, which can help in hydration during hot summer days.

“Some traditional medicine systems suggest that certain foods, including arbi, have cooling properties that can help balance body temperature and provide relief from the heat. Although the scientific evidence for this claim is limited, incorporating cooling foods such as arbi into your diet may provide subjective relief during hot weather,” she added.

Here are several reasons why arbi deserves a share of your plate this summer, along with a breakdown of its nutritional value.

The nutritional profile of arbi

Arbi is a low-calorie food packed with essential nutrients. Sushma gave an overview of what 100 grams of raw arbi offers:

Festive offer

Discover essential vitamins for optimal health, discover delicious food sources to fuel your body, and learn the truth about supplements. Vitamin C in arbi strengthens the immune system. (Source: Freepik)

Can diabetics consume it?

Sushma said diabetics can consume arbi in moderation, but you should consult your doctor for personalized nutritional advice regarding diabetes management. Here’s how you can manage this effectively:

Portion control: Monitor portion sizes to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Cooking methods: Choose healthier methods such as boiling, steaming or baking instead of frying.

Balanced meals: Combine Arbi with protein and healthy fats to slow the absorption of carbohydrates.

Blood Sugar Monitoring: Monitor blood sugar levels before and after consuming arbi to understand its impact.

blood sugar Sushma said diabetics can consume arbi in moderation (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Is it beneficial for pregnant women?

Arbi provides valuable nutrients for a healthy pregnancy, says Sushma. It is rich in folic acid and prevents neural tube defects in the developing fetus, Sushma said.

“It helps combat iron deficiency anemia, a problem during pregnancy. It also relieves constipation, a common pregnancy discomfort and regulates blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for pregnant women with diabetes,” she explained.

Things to keep in mind

While Arbi offers numerous benefits, here are some considerations according to Sushma:

allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to arbi or related root vegetables. Be careful if you have any allergies.

Carbohydrate content: Keep an eye on portion sizes, especially as you manage carbohydrate intake.

Overconsumption: Excessive intake or unhealthy cooking methods can lead to weight gain and digestive problems.

Preparation methods: Choose healthier cooking methods such as boiling, steaming or baking.

Thorough cooking: Always cook arbi thoroughly to eliminate foodborne pathogens.

Myths & facts

Sushma debunked some myths and facts about Arbi:

Myth Fact
Arbi contains many calories and is not suitable for weight loss Arbi contains relatively few calories and, if prepared healthily, can be part of a weight-loss diet.
Arbi is getting fat Arbi itself is not fattening. Unhealthy cooking methods can increase the calorie content.
Arbi is not suitable for diabetics Diabetics can consume arbi in moderation, with proper portion control and blood sugar control.

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First uploaded on: 10-05-2024 10:30 IST