
Preppy has a whole new meaning for Gen Alpha

Don’t break out the boat shoes or button-downs if you’re trying to fit Gen Alpha’s definition of “preppy.”

Sara Belcher - Author

For anyone whose primary school days are long behind them, the ideal preppy look probably involves boat shoes, collared buttons, pastel cardigans and headbands. The style was popularized by those who imitated the looks of wealthy country club goers and people with boats, and was a staple look that kept stores like J Crew in business.

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While previous fashion trends are quickly making the rounds again (look at Y2K for example), preppy is coming back with a whole new meaning. Gen Alpha kids already tell their parents how they try to dress preppy, but put that button-down and chunky chain from your younger years back in your closet because this generation’s definition looks very different. Let’s take a closer look at Gen Alpha’s new meaning for “preppy.”

“Preppy” has a whole new meaning for Gen Alpha kids.

TikTok user Vice Spice (@daiisjah) explains the gap between generational definitions quite well in a video, and it seems like Gen Alpha’s “preppy” has moved away from the traditional academic sphere. In the Vice Spice video, she describes a conversation with her younger niece, who tried to explain the trend to her.

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“(My niece) was going to grab an outfit to show us an example of what preppy is and it would be something like jeans and a sweatshirt,” she explained. “And I’d say, ‘Okay, are you going to wear a collared shirt under that? I always did that,’ and I’d get another, ‘What?'”

But even after asking for more clarification, the confusion continues.

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“And then she showed us another outfit, which would look like yoga pants and a slightly shorter T-shirt with a hoodie over it. And I’m like, ‘Where does the prep come from?'” Vice Spice continued. She clarified that none of these items are branded shirts or hoodies, such as Aeropostale and Abercrombie Hayday. Instead, they are simple graphic T-shirts, often with images of bands or cartoon characters.

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It takes some searching, but it seems that Gen Alpha is now considered ‘preppy’ and consists of brightly colored pieces, while comfort is still paramount.

“For Gen Alpha, preppy now means bright colors, fun silhouettes, just fun outfits,” Vice Spice continued.

The comments on her post are full of people wondering if the kids are just pronouncing “peppy” wrong.

“Now preppy is like light California casual. Looks more like a surfer girl to me?! Definitely athletic in nature,” said one commenter, while Vice Spice chimed in “Miley Stewart core.”

Others call it “trendy normcore,” “Disney Channel clothing,” and “a nicer word for BASIC.”

“I started out dressing like a live-action cartoon character… but now it’s considered preppy, which has a completely different connotation than Gen Z and older,” Vice Spice concluded. “It’s cool too. I’m glad you guys like our style and all. It’s just kind of weird that you had to change the name to such a loaded label.”

If you have a Gen Alpha in your life who says he wants to dress “preppy,” avoid the usual contenders and look for fun colors and comfort instead.