
7 ways you can live more sustainably – the chart

In case you missed it, the Earth Day Sustainability Conference, held on April 18, hosted many insightful presentations on sustainability. We heard from Jeff and Carolina Neal, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer and owners of Neal Group Construction; Summer King, environmental scientist for Quapaw Nation; Robin Standridge, executive director of Wildcat Glades Nature Group; Dr. Mary Kilmer, department chair of Biology and Environmental Health; Bonnie Chastain, nutritional health coach at Natural Grocers; and Jeff Nichols, Habitat Restoration Manager for the City of Webb City.

These presentations show what you can do to live more sustainably:

  1. Keep the environment clean. Don’t leave any trash behind!

The remediation of the Tar Creek Superfund Site will use wetland ponds to remove lead, zinc, cadmium and iron from water at sites contaminated by chat piles. The cleanup initiative has produced astonishing environmental results, including the return of wildlife to previously polluted areas. The Cardinal Valley Habitat Restoration project has achieved similar results: restoring wildlife habitats, protecting water quality and creating beneficial uses for mine-scarred areas. By reducing environmental waste we can keep these areas clean and beautiful.

  1. Find new purpose for things you already have. Give a used item a second life.

Neal Group Construction is a sustainable construction and restoration company. They don’t build new buildings. Instead, they rehabilitate existing buildings for new purposes, while retaining their historic features. By modernizing existing resources, Neal Group gives historic buildings new life, making optimal use of what we already have. By repurposing familiar things, we can prevent waste and materialism.

  1. Eat organic.

Industrial agricultural practices such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, excessive tillage and monoculture threaten environmental, human and economic health. The industry causes a decline in biodiversity and pollutes water and air, damages ecosystems, exposes us to synthetic chemicals and food-related diseases, and promotes agricultural monopolies. Organic food can compensate for this damage. Look for an organic label in the supermarket. Everyone can make a difference!

  1. Avoid using pesticides.

Pesticides pose an incredible threat to pollinating species, of which there are an estimated 35,000. This pollination is crucial for a third of global crop production. By using fewer pesticides, pollinating populations can do their important work.

  1. Native species of plants.

Native plant life provides a food source and habitat for pollinators. By planting native vegetation in gardens, on verandas or on unused areas of land we can support important pollination. Visit a local garden store for native plants.

  1. Understand your role in the bigger picture. Individuals can make a difference.

Wildcat Park is a beautiful nature park. It remains beautiful as dedicated volunteers remove trash and invasive species from trails and engage the community in conservation efforts. Every volunteer makes an impact. Anyone can make a change by first changing their own behavior and then educating others.

  1. Volunteer.

Every community benefits from volunteerism. Contact local organizations and see what you can do to make a difference. Participate in a cleanup at Wildcat Glades. Help remove invasive species. Build pollinator houses. Get involved!