
Religious freedom legislation introduced in the Senate

05/09/2024 USA (International Christian Concern) – Senators James Lankford, R-Ok., and Chris Coons, D-De., introduced a resolution expressing the importance of international religious freedom amid increased global attacks on religious freedom. Senators Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., also co-sponsored the legislation. This legislation outlines cases of persecution across multiple religions, including Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians.

In addition to recognizing ongoing atrocities, this resolution calls for comprehensive support for religious freedom around the world, using all available diplomatic tools to advance efforts, including sanctions, and emphasizing religious freedom as a cornerstone of foreign policy policy of the United States.

In his remarks following the release of the resolution, Senator Lankford said: “The fundamental right of every human being to have a faith, to live your faith, to change your faith or to have no faith at all must be extended across the world recognized…The United States must continue its international leadership to defend religious freedom. That is why we reaffirm our commitment to fight for religious freedom around the world.”

Two leading members of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom publicly expressed support for the legislation.

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