
The NS mail carriers are going hungry May 11 / Public News Service

It’s almost summer and time to get to work for those struggling with hunger in New Mexico.

This Saturday, U.S. Postal Service letter carriers will collect nonperishable food items from customers’ doors as part of “Stamp Out Hunger,” the nation’s largest one-day food drive.

Marie Montano, a letter carrier and member of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 504 in Albuquerque, participates every year because she said it is an opportunity to give back to the community.

“At the end of April, I start talking about it with my clients and letting my clients know,” Montano explains. “Every little bit counts. In one day alone, at one station, we get close to about £500 per carrier.”

Feeding America’s 2023 Map the Meal Gap study found that one in five children and one in seven people overall are at risk of going hungry in New Mexico.

Anyone who wants to help can fill a sturdy bag or box with non-perishable food on Saturday before the usual mail delivery and leave it next to the mailbox.

The event in Albuquerque benefits the Roadrunner Food Bank, which distributes food in the city and statewide.

Sonya Warwick, director of communications and events at the food bank, knows there is a great need right now as more people show up at distribution locations.

“It’s one of the largest food drives happening across the country,” Warwick noted. “Going into the summer months is critical for us as we see a hunger spike when small children are out of school and they may not have access to the free and reduced-price meals they would normally receive at school.”

In addition to Roadrunner, food banks in other parts of the state, including Santa Fe and Artesia, are also participating. Warwick emphasized that New Mexico food banks are always working to close the state’s meal gap.

“It can be difficult simply because there are so many communities in the state that have so much need, especially the rural communities in our state,” Warwick emphasized. “They tend to see much higher rates of hunger, especially among the most vulnerable, like children.”

For those who cannot participate, Warwick added that a monetary donation is always helpful as it allows Roadrunner to purchase food in categories that are not donated as often.

Disclosure: Roadrunner Food Bank contributes to our fund for reporting on children’s issues, community issues and volunteerism, hunger/food/nutrition and poverty issues. If you would like to support news in the public interest, click here.

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