
Mayo recognizes nurses

EAU CLAIRE – Mayo Clinic Health System celebrated their nurses during National Nurses Week with an awards and recognition event.

Kelly Buchholtz, Mayo’s Chief Nursing Officer, said this week gives them time to honor their nurses with the care and skills they put into their work. It is also a time to recognize their achievements.

“Our teams meet challenges with grace and determination, tackling them head-on, pulling each other up, bending where they need to to meet the needs of our patients, and doing it with a smile on their faces,” said Buchholtz.

This year brought challenges to the health care industry, but even with these challenges, Mayo Clinic Health System nurses were able to effectively use their beds to care for people and even received Magnet designation, she said.

A Magnet designation is a prestigious achievement that was officially awarded to the Mayo Clinic Health System of Northwest Wisconsin in November.

They also recognized nurses’ achievements over the past year, including scholarships and the DAISY Award.

Buchholtz said a DAISY award is a largely monthly recognition of “extraordinary care.” DAISY, or Diseases Attacking the Immune System, nominations are made by patients, families or colleagues when they have noticed nurses going out of their way to help people.

The event also highlighted specific nurses through awards such as the 2024 DAISY Nurse Leader Award, which was presented to Cory Carlson.

People who could be chosen for this award included registered nurse supervisors, managers, directors and nurse administrators, Buchholtz said. They must also have “made a difference in patient care by making a difference through their leadership.”

She said the award also focuses on leadership that creates an environment that is caring for both colleagues and the patients they serve. They must also provide motivation for staff members through “a shared vision and enthusiasm” to help patients benefit.

Carlson is a nurse manager for inpatient psychiatry. Buchholtz said he treats employees with kindness and respect, which has led to a good relationship with them.

The award felt very rewarding, Carlson said. He worked as a nurse manager for four years and as a supervisor for fourteen years.

“I’ve really made it my mission to improve mental health care in the area…” Carlson said. “Mental health is everywhere, so we’re trying to reach out and get it into as many different hospital facets as possible.”

Carlson also served on the Proactive Behavioral Safety Action Team, which were winners of the Nursing Quality and Safety Award.

Other award winners included Nursing Education Award winner Zarek Schultz, Nursing Practice Award winner Cymbre Snyder and Friends of Nursing Award winner Curtis Frame. The winner of the Nursing Policy, Process, Procedure or Research Award was the Lactation Nursing Team.

“It is very important to recognize our nurses for the work they do year-round,” Buchholtz said.

He said upcoming events held by the Mayo Clinic Health System in honor of National Nurses Week include a “nurses wear big shoes” event on Friday, where nurses can take a walk during their break. The team with the highest participation percentage will receive “the big boot prize for next year.”

One way people can recognize nurses, both during the week and year-round, is to stop and thank them, Buchholtz said.