
Idaho Foodbank is preparing for the largest food drive of the year

MERIDIAN, Idaho – The Idaho Food Bank is preparing for the nation’s largest food drive. Stamp Out Hunger is organized by the National Association of Letters Carriers (NALC) and takes place on May 11.

Here’s how it works: Residents fill the bad stuff with non-perishable food and place it next to their mailboxes during the event. Letter carriers will collect the donations along their routes throughout the Treasure Valley and donate them to the Idaho Foodbank to help those in need across the state.

Members of the NALC dyed their hair blue at the Undone Salon in Boise to raise awareness of the event.

Some of the food items most needed on the ride include whole-grain pasta, breakfast cereals, low-sodium canned vegetables, canned fruits, juices and dry or canned beans. Easy-to-open items, such as food with a hinged lid, are also useful.

For more information on how to participate in Stamp Out Hunger, visit