
EU Open House showcases European culture, food and music

Europe Day, May 9, marks the founding of the European Union as we know it by commemorating the signing of the Schuman Declaration in 1950. Every year on the first Saturday after Europe Day, the European Union delegation to the United States marks the occasion with a citywide celebration that is hard to miss and easy to love.

On May 11, from 10am to 4pm, EU Open House brings the best of Europe to the streets of Washington, with EU country embassies opening their doors to the public for a day of authentic food, music and dance performances, and unique cultural experiences. You can take part in a folk dancing class, taste sweets, learn a few words of a new language, attend traditional music acts, taste different beers, enter to win trips and learn about how the EU, its countries and the US all work together towards common goals. With games, quizzes, competitions and special drawings at embassies throughout the city, there is something for every type of visitor.

This year, the Open House festivities at the EU Delegation (2175 K Street, NW) focus on sustainability, and visitors will have the chance to meet EU staff and learn all about what Europe is doing to bring environmental sustainability into the homes of to bring people, from fashion to fashion To food– including exhibitions dedicated to promoting the EU’s initiatives to take ‘fast fashion’ out of fashion through eco-friendly textile production and samples of sustainable European food products. If you bring an extra item of clothing, you can even participate in a clothing swap!

Visitors will also have the chance to experience a virtual reality simulation of the European Parliament and a mock voting booth for the upcoming European elections in June, and put their European geographical skills to the test.

You can find out more about each country’s offerings at, where you can also find a special Google Map to help you start planning the big day.

At EU Open House you don’t have to cross the ocean to experience European culture… you just have to cross the street!