
Mining Operations Blamed for Livestock Deaths in Niger – One Green Planet

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Shepherds in the vicinity of Telefoonot, Niger, have been grappling with the sudden death of their animals. Contrary to expectations, the cause was not drought or disease, but rather the operations of Sahara SARL’s mines. Reports emerged of animal deaths numbering in the dozens over a short span, sparking alarm among the local communities.

Youssaf Houssa, chief of Tamannit, recounted the distressing toll: ‘We counted 24 dead over two days and at the end of April we finally realized that the slaughter was being caused by harmful products in the water the mines were rejecting.” Almou Akoli, a resident of Fasso, echoed similar woes, lamenting the loss of 16 animals, with neighbors experiencing comparable tragedies.

The mining activities of China’s Sahara SARL, primarily focused on gold extraction since January, have encroached upon grazing lands, devoid of natural water sources. Concerns mounted as evidence pointed towards contaminants in the water supply linked to mining operations. In response to mounting pressure, Niger’s Ministry of Mines intervened, mandating the temporary closure of several mining sites after a police investigation. This move aimed to mitigate further harm and assess the extent of environmental damage. Amidst the upheaval, local shepherds remain vigilant. “The Chinese have suspended work and we are monitoring our animals,” Houssa stated.

The incident also casts a shadow over the broader mining landscape in Niger. With longstanding concerns about environmental degradation, exemplified by accusations against French company Orano (formerly Areva) for uranium extraction, questions loom regarding the sustainability and accountability of mining practices in the region.

Ahimsa by Tiny Rescue: Animal CollectionAhimsa by Tiny Rescue: Animal Collection
Ahimsa by Tiny Rescue: Animal Collection

Ahimsa by Tiny Rescue: Animal Collection

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