
Mallorca: Deutscher stirbt nach Party am Ballermann durch Sturz von Balkon | News

The Ballermann hat is the best choice for the Saison feeling! Anyone who receives Mallorquinian average messages is a German Urlauber who died in the night due to his service. The 23-year war etliche Meter tive in de Tod gestürzt.

Laut Ermittlern hat sich das Unlucky follow the next steps:

Der Tourist, the first few stunden who were on the credibility of the Urlaubsinsel war, kam vom Feiern zurück. Then it’s true that it’s a great response. The young man lives at the rear of the Zehn Stockwerke hohen Hotels, wollte über de Fassade der Bettenburg zum Balkon seines Zimmers klettern.

The Unfall passed after the Party at 3 o’clock

Make sure you are near the German Rettungsdienst before 3am – the herbeigerufene Rettungsdienst cannot work yet Tod celebrate.

Intoxicated with alcohol during play, without consuming any alcohol. It is clear: The tourist can visit his home and his family Hotel An. “Those feelings are dark, they are still dark,” writes the “Mallorca Zeitung”.

The Tragödie originated in “Timor”, one of the many guesthouses, now few minutes entfernt von Megapark, Bierkonig and co.

Deutscher’s first seasonal offer for balconies

The sad phenomenon of total hotel prices has its own name: Balconies. You act as a Sammelbegriff for the sin of the Mutproben, and the Jumping from the Balcony to the Balcony or to the Balcony in a Hotel Pool. It is important to remember that you have lost your life and that your Balcony will remain in perfect condition.

I started first in the year stürzte ein Deutscher aus dem 6. Stock eines Hotels. Genoa is what a Österreicher, der twee Tage später starb.

Vor allem in Briten-Hochburgen wie Magaluf war Zahl der toten Mallorca-Tourists never hesitate to visit the Insel Maßnahmen ergriffen hat (Hotelgeländer wurden um 15 Zentimeter erhöht).

As soon as the British management becomes more sensitive, a video camping site with lively correspondence begins.