
Kentucky’s Community Action Network Celebrates 60 Years of Empowering Individuals and Families – NKyTribune

Imagine a Kentucky where every individual and every family has the resources they need to thrive. That’s the vision that has fueled six decades of community action.

May has been designated as Community Action Month, a time to celebrate our collective mission: empowering individuals and families to achieve greater economic stability and long-term success.

Kentucky’s Community Action Agencies are a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of people each year, providing life-changing resources.

Community Action Agencies were founded as part of President Lyndon B Johnson’s War on Poverty. What makes these agencies special is their use of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), a federal grant program intended to combat poverty at the local level. The CSBG network includes more than 1,000 agencies nationwide.

The Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission is one of 23 agencies in Kentucky, collectively serving 8 of Kentucky’s 120 counties.

CAAs offer a comprehensive range of services. These include food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing, workforce development, and family advocacy.

To celebrate this legacy, the network is looking to the future and renewing its commitment to serving Northern Kentucky and empowering individuals and families to build better lives.

In honor of this milestone, we invite all Kentuckians to share their stories of how Community Action has positively impacted their lives or communities on our Facebook page @ComActionKY. Your experiences will help highlight the invaluable work of our agencies and inspire others to join and support our mission.

For more information about Community Action Kentucky and the 23 Community Action Agencies in Kentucky, visit

Community Action Partnerships in Kentucky