
Lesser known food traditions in India

By Devi Poojari Updated: May 8, 2024

Also known as Akha Teej – the auspicious festival celebrated across the country is marked by the ritual of buying gold on the day, to welcome abundance and prosperity. But like any traditional Indian festival, food plays an important role on this occasion.

The Hindu festival of Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej celebrated during the month of Vaishakh, celebrated with the hope of bringing good luck and prosperity. While purchasing precious metals such as gold and silver is key to the traditions of the times, less is said about the culinary rituals that are said to contribute to the festivities. Buying ghee, for those who cannot afford to buy gold, is said to be one of the best-known traditions associated with inviting abundance into one’s life.

Also a sacred ingredient that is crucial for many rituals; lighting ghee lamps on this day is said to be of utmost benefit as it is believed to ward off negativity and illness. Since wealth is meant to be celebrated and attracted on Akshaya Tritiya, buying lentils – which resemble small coins symbolic of money – is considered a way to represent it. The swelling of lentils when soaked in water and boiled is considered an expansion of the idea and an increase in prosperity.

Similarly, dark green vegetables like spinach are also believed to represent a prosperous home, and so when consumed, they are meant to bestow health and wealth. Akshaya Tritiya, which in Hindu mythology marks the day when Lord Krishna blessed the saint Pandavas with the akshaya patra or a bowl of all-you-can-eat food, a also notes bhog or naivehyam ritual – in which food offerings are made to Hindu gods. Consisting of an assortment of sweets such as aamrakhand, kesar peda And puran poli, dudhi halwa And malpua, the prasad is then eaten from copper thalis to pray for good health. Furthermore, purchasing silverware such as plates, spoons and bowls is believed to invite good luck.

In the Khandesh region of northwestern Maharashtra, enjoying puran poli with aamras is a festive food tradition followed in many homes. Soaking rice and barley grains purchased on Akshaya Tritiya is a practice followed to ‘suck’ the negative energy from life and fill it with positive vibrations. On days when the four social classes predominated, buttermilk and drinking water infused with betel nut were served to the Brahmins as a way of progressing in educational activities. Annadan – or the selfless practice of donating food – is also said to take place in temples on Akha Teej.