
8 Ways Americans Get Noticed as Tourists Before They Even Say a Word

Americans tend to get a bad rap for their travel habits, usually because of foreign stereotypes that permeate tourist horror stories. Being obnoxious in public, expecting certain cuisines, not speaking the native language – this is certainly not the case for every American abroad. Still, it would be ignorant to pretend there aren’t at least a few.

But, as many Reddit posters from around the world admitted in one thread, there’s more to spotting an American tourist “in the wild” than the pesky stereotypes above.

Here are 8 ways Americans are seen as tourists before they even say anything:

1. Trying to tip baristas, restaurant staff, or other service personnel

Despite the ongoing discourse and expectations about tipping in the United States, many other countries do not encourage or even value tipping. Whether it’s a cafe or a restaurant, you’re not expected to give a server or barista any extra financial support. Some even find it offensive.

The roots of our tipping culture are inherently controversial. The whole ritual of ‘tipping’ was created to combat inadequate wages for marginalized communities in the workforce. It’s one of the reasons why other cultures, such as Japan and China, find tipping offensive. They take pride in the work they do and have a salary that is sufficient to not require tips.

So when you travel abroad, you’re likely to get strange looks in restaurants (and yourself as an American) if you leave money on the table or try to refuse to “get change.”

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2. Wearing sneakers or ‘running shoes’ with ‘formal’ clothing

While Americans tend to be ridiculed for their “khaki shorts and baseball hat” uniforms, many Reddit posters pointed out another trend that makes it easy to spot American tourists in other countries: running shoes. Many posters from abroad mention that Americans often wear sneakers, whether it is with a suit, a summer dress or even jeans and a blouse.

“I walked into a museum in Germany and the woman selling tickets greeted us in English. We were dressed conservatively and hadn’t said a word yet; she just knew,” one person wrote. “I asked her how, and she said, ‘They’re your shoes’… I was indeed wearing running shoes.”

Of course, many tourists prefer comfort over fashion, especially when exploring new cities. However, if you want to go undercover as a local, maybe opt for a loafer or a functional sandal. This applies to all clothing; many other countries don’t value athleisure as much as America does.

3. After sunset, look for supermarkets or local shops

One of the biggest differences between European countries and the United States is work culture. Not only are work hours, careers and “hustle culture” becoming more of a priority in the US, but it is part of our culture to value these as much as family, personal time and hobbies.

“(Americans) are always looking for a store that is open around 11 p.m.,” one user wrote. “Even if the shops in most European countries close around 7 p.m. to 8 p.m..”

European countries tend to allow more room for personal freedom and life – taking breaks from work in the middle of the day so workers can see their families and closing shops and department stores in the late afternoon. Although there has been resistance from locals in recent years, accessibility in our 24/7 stores is still not nearly as great as Americans typically have.

We live in an overconsumption culture, where everyone chooses convenience over connection and productivity over happiness. This is why we can basically get what we want in seconds, and it’s something to keep in mind when traveling abroad.

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4. Smiling, greeting, and exchanging “pleases” with service employees

“When I went to Italy with a friend, I couldn’t figure out why everyone greeted me in English before I said a word,” one person added on the Reddit forum. “I don’t wear running shoes outside the gym; I dress quite chicly… I’m trying to master the language a bit. My friend told me it was because I was smiling at them.”

In addition to smiling and being generally friendly towards service workers, many Reddit users admitted that Americans are easy to recognize because of their conversations. Not only are they stereotypically louder than others, but they also often strike up conversations in places such as on the train, where in many cultures you simply have to be quiet.

“Everyone likes peace,” said @fabgirl33 about culture in Germany and surrounding countries such as Austria and Switzerland. “It’s not just that they’re loud, but people don’t like it. If you’re a person of color and you’re a little louder… oh boy, it’s so much worse.”

“I took my friend from New Zealand to a McDonald’s drive-thru and the server said, ‘Hi, my name is (blank), how can I help you?’ My friend loved it so much,” one commenter added. “She said it was like they became friends… (Their) country doesn’t have quite the same culture, so (they) thought it was really sweet.”

5. Asking strangers for directions or starting conversations on the street

“The absolute fearlessness of asking anyone on the street for anything,” another person added. “I don’t mean this negatively; I’m just saying that I’ve seen Americans at home and abroad starting conversations that I never would have dreamed of… it’s very admirable.”

While in the United States it may be seen as purely respectful to strike up a conversation with others in public, in other countries it is labeled as “weird.”

“What people in other countries don’t do: ‘Talking about and sharing your life with complete strangers… I’ve met quite a few Americans, and it seems to be the norm to share and interact with strangers in public. The bus, train, parks, etc. In Denmark you would be a freak if you did that,” added a Forbes article on American tourists.

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6. Talking in a significantly louder tone in public areas

In a culture that celebrates extroversion, assertiveness and individualism, it’s no wonder that Americans have developed a louder tone than those in other countries. It’s the stereotypical image of American tourists: loud, obnoxious and the first to disturb the peace in public spaces.

While it may be an overstated criticism, it couldn’t be further from the truth, especially for the people who passionately contributed to this Reddit thread.

“When I was in Korea, I was talking casually to a friend on the bus, in a normal speaking voice,” one person added. “Not even a minute later, the lady in front of us turns around in her seat and says very nonchalantly: ‘Please calm down.’ I think the US volume is noticeably louder.

Even though a majority of our population struggles with self-esteem and self-confidence, our culture truly prioritizes it in every aspect of our lives. From work to school to relationships, the bolder you can be, the better.

7. They are in awe of ancient things – from architecture to historical sites

“Reminds me of that old saying,” one commenter wrote. ‘Americans think a hundred years is a long time. Europeans think a hundred miles is a long way.”

Many commentators pointed out that Americans tend to “gawk” at ancient architecture, buildings and monuments, which have just become part of everyday life in many countries abroad. While our oldest monuments are only a few hundred years old, other countries boast some of the oldest and most renowned structures in history.

From religious monuments and figures to architecture from centuries ago, it’s no wonder Americans are in awe of structures older than their own. But Europeans on their way to work see it every day and, quite rightly, find the loud spectacle of ‘photographers’ annoying.

Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley / Shutterstock

8. They often frantically search for public garbage bins

“If you see an American in Japan, they frantically look for public trash cans,” someone else wrote. “The absence of a dumpster is something (unheard of) in the US”

Despite the clear historical relevance of the “missing trash cans” in countries like Japan, many tourists are confused as to why they are not there. They will just complain about having to hold their waste. Again, prioritizing personal convenience and urgency is not something shared across cultures, and it will likely signal to others that there is an American among them.

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Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango, focusing on health and wellness, social policy and human interest stories.