
Ministry of Health allocates $50 million for chronic disease screening | RJR News

By Nakinskie Robinson

As thousands of Jamaicans struggle to cope with lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, Health Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton announced that $50 million will be allocated for expanded screening for various diseases.

Dr. Tufton says this move is part of the government’s efforts to repair a legacy of neglect in the sector.

“We’re doing about 400,000 screenings this year. We’re going to spend about $50 million over the next 18 months, Madam Speaker, so this program is going to continue. But we’re not just going to the city centres, we’re going to take to the off-roads “We have the mobile units, we are going to mobilize them because every Jamaican on this path to transformation must understand that it is their duty to have an annual physical, as they would say, an annual check-up.”

Additionally, Dr. Tufton that 2,000 Jamaicans received dentures last year under the Second Chance Smiles program. The ministry wants to help another 8,000 people this year.

The minister said contracts worth around $1.5 billion will also be awarded over the next two months for the expansion of the Old Harbour, St. Jago Park and Greater Portmore health centers in St. Catherine.

He said the Cabinet has approved a new healthcare model that focuses on healthier lifestyles and disease prevention.

“This model will ensure that approximately 370 additional doctors are hired in primary healthcare. The new system will address a number of issues. Divided into community, district and comprehensive health centres, it will look not only at health promotion and education, but also at screening. prevention and treatment, routine medical care, special clinics for the health care of adolescents, older men and women, rehabilitation and palliative care, ophthalmology and audiometric screening,” announced Dr. Tufton on.

He announced this on Tuesday afternoon during the Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives.