
Environmental advocates CAFOs aren’t just a NIMBY issue / Public News Service

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a month to respond in court to a new lawsuit over a factory farm in the central part of the state.

Those leading the legal fight say the case shows how concerned some communities are about concentrated animal feeding operations. The group Midwest Environmental Advocates is representing Portage County residents in a lawsuit alleging the Department of Natural Resources entered into an illegal settlement with a large livestock farm for a wastewater permit. The question is whether the state should have allowed public input.

Adam Voskuil, staff attorney for the group, said that as concentrated animal feeding operations gain a larger footprint, the data becomes clear about the damage to local resources.

“We are also seeing concerns about CAFOs in western Wisconsin, where there are significant spills and fish kills,” Voskuil reported.

He is referring to an incident from 2019 in which a settlement was reached with a large dairy farm over a manure discharge. For his clients, Voskuil pointed to 2018 provincial data showing elevated nitrate levels in private wells, saying this rises above the traditional “not-in-my-backyard” opposition.

The DNR would not comment on the lawsuit, but some farm groups say large farms must adhere to strict regulations because they help feed the world.

Voskuil noted that people who live near the sites are not supervisors. They are individuals demanding answers to what they believe is a growing crisis.

“I really think we need to stop accepting that CAFOs can externalize the costs of environmental pollution to the communities that live downstream or downwind,” Voskuil emphasized.

Wisconsin currently has nearly 340 concentrated feed operations as agricultural consolidation outpaces smaller, independent farms. Although the DNR is the target of the new lawsuit, the agency was defended by the state in a separate case for enforcing the permitting process for the projects. The lawsuit was filed by industry organizations that say there is overregulation.

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