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This World Tuna Day, we reflect on the sustainable practices that help preserve our oceans and the species they sustain. Our crew aboard the USCGC Oliver Henry (WPC 1140) recently embraced the rich marine life and cultural heritage of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), particularly on Pagan Island.

During a freedom break from patrolling the Northern Mariana Islands, they engaged in recreational fishing. They caught tuna using sustainable rod-and-reel methods. This activity wasn’t just about fishing; it was about forging a deep connection with the ocean and thinking about the importance of respecting our marine resources.

“As someone who grew up in the Pacific, the ocean has always been a part of who I am. It is important to me to be able to serve and protect these waters and islands. Every patrol we undertake, whether it be a rescue or simply being present in the community, is an opportunity to give back to the ocean and the land that gives us so much. Our work ensures the safety and health of our Pacific family,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Ikaika Ruiz.

Why focus on tuna?
Tuna are critical to food security, nutrition and the global economy, yet overfishing and illegal fishing threaten their populations worldwide. On World Tuna Day, we advocate for sustainable fishing and collaborative action between agencies and governments to ensure that future generations can enjoy this incredible fish.

Imagine a line of fully loaded freighters stretching across the horizon. According to the International Seafood Sustainability Association, the total catch of major commercial tuna stocks in the Pacific Ocean in 2021 was 4.8 million tonnes, roughly equivalent to the combined weight of approximately 91 fully loaded Titanics. This immense figure underlines the enormous size of the tuna fishery and its global significance. For comparison, imagine an airport with fully loaded jumbo jets. According to NOAA, commercial landings of Pacific bluefin tuna reached 800,000 pounds in 2022. and albacore tuna was 16 million pounds. Combined, they are equivalent to the weight of approximately 19 Boeing 747s, each fully loaded with passengers and luggage. This enormous quantity underscores the size of the U.S. fishing industry and the important role these fish play in our economy and food supply.

Many are unaware that the tuna on their plates, celebrated as a healthy source of protein, embarks on a complex journey around the world – often caught in the Pacific Ocean by a multinational crew aboard a ship flying the flag of one country, fishing on the high seas or within the exclusive economic zone of another country, before being transferred to yet another ship or port in another country for processing and packaging. This complex chain of control underlines the global nature of our seafood supply and highlights the enormous challenges we face in combating illegal fishing.

Involvement in local communities
For nearly eighty years, the U.S. Coast Guard’s presence in the Northern Mariana Islands has been one of partnership and stewardship of the marine environment. Our crews strive to be a positive force, respecting local traditions with a reasonable footprint. Our presence supports anti-illegal fishing efforts and protects the fish stocks on which local people depend for their livelihoods. Everything on the ocean is intertwined, just like our missions.

The U.S. Coast Guard is deeply committed to supporting our Mariana Islands and regional partners and meeting the unique challenges of the local fishing community. While commercial fishing has declined due to economic, environmental and regulatory factors, our role now emphasizes sustainability and community support. We actively enforce safety for recreational activities, fishing regulations and conservation efforts, protecting marine biodiversity while preserving the cultural and livelihood practices that enrich the local community. This effort includes patrolling marine protected areas, such as the Marianas Trench Monument island unit, to protect these vital ecosystems.

“During our recent patrols in the Mariana Islands, we transported a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Officer, further strengthening our commitment to working together and protecting this region’s unique ecosystems. This collaboration increases our ability to effectively enforce conservation regulations and the sustainability of our marine environments essential to community livelihoods and deep-rooted connection to the sea remind us why we do what we do: it’s about a to make a real difference to the lives of people in remote locations who depend on us. preparedness and care,” said Lt. Ray Cerrato, Oliver Henry commander.

In addition to our maritime missions, the USCGC Oliver Henry crew recently responded to a call for assistance from those on Pagan. The crew provided critical assistance to two individuals who had been without reliable communications for three months. After discovering their radio was unusable and concerned about an impending water shortage due to projected population growth, our team provided drinking water and attempted to repair communications equipment. To ensure continued support, one man was transported to Saipan to coordinate repairs and logistics directly with the mayor of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Over the past eighteen months, our NMI efforts have extended beyond patrolling. Following Typhoon Mawar in June 2023, the U.S. Coast Guard played a critical role in recovery efforts, ensuring the safe reopening of ports and removing navigation hazards in Guam, Saipan and Tinian. We have also actively participated in community and capacity building initiatives, including expert exchanges with local agencies to enhance maritime safety and security capabilities.

We have played a vital role in ensuring the health and safety of individuals in the Pacific, especially on remote islands like Alamagan. In May 2023, our USCGC Oliver Henry (WPC 1140) crew demonstrated this commitment by conducting a critical medical evacuation. With support from the CNMI Department of Fire and EMS, we successfully evacuated a 30-year-old man with serious head and neck injuries from Alamagan Island to Saipan for emergency medical care. This operation demonstrated our willingness and ability to provide lifesaving assistance in remote locations. It highlighted our continued commitment to the well-being of the communities in the Northern Mariana Islands.

“As a culinary specialist, I take pride in feeding our crew, but as an EMT, my role expands to ensure their well-being and that of others in urgent times. It was intense the night we responded to the medical emergency on Alamagan, Trekking to that challenging volcanic beach. Walking in the dark to stabilize a man in distress and ensure his safe transport to higher care was a good reminder of our crucial impact presence here: being ready to help others no matter the obstacles,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Joshua Pablo, a son of Guam.

The agency’s activities also extend to facilitating transportation and support for supplies and local officials. Our USCGC Frederick Hatch (WPC 1143) and USCGC Myrtle Hazard (WPC 1139) crews both transported the Mayor of CNMI’s Northern Islands to visit constituents, highlighting support for community engagement and governance in these remote areas.

“From Guam to the Northern Mariana Islands and beyond into the Pacific, our culture is deeply rooted in respect for land and water. This respect drives my passion for the Coast Guard’s mission: ensuring we protect these precious resources and strengthen the fabric of the communities we live in,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Ben Laguana, a son of Guam.

These actions underscore the depth of our commitment to the Mariana Islands – not only in protecting maritime areas, but also in supporting the resilience and well-being of the island communities. As we celebrate World Tuna Day, we celebrate these partnerships and our shared commitment to sustainable management of marine resources.

A day of awareness and advocacy
As we share this story of camaraderie and conservation, we want to inspire others to think about where their seafood comes from and choose sustainably produced tuna. We celebrate World Tuna Day by committing to practices that help our marine life thrive and ensure healthy oceans for decades to come.

“Our missions extend far beyond mere operations; they are deeply woven into the fabric of the communities we serve and resonate with our global responsibilities as a nation. From our members who maintain family and cultural ties to the region, to our legacy of service that spans generations, every action we take is imbued with a sense of duty to the people of the Pacific. Our commitment to peace, security, safety and environmental stewardship of the Mariana Islands underscores our broader commitment to uphold international maritime standards and protect shared global marine resources. ” said Capt. Nick Simmons, U.S. Coast Guard Commander of the Micronesian Sector of Guam.


U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam
The U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam team focuses on maritime safety, security and stewardship in Oceania. With a primary presence in Guam and Saipan and more than 300 members located throughout Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the team maintains a strong U.S. presence in the Micronesia sub-region and adjacent areas, closely connected to local communities.